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Skincare for Dummies

Long post ahead. I've tried to jot every basic thing that I've learnt. I've a used a para or two from a post by Aayu (her dad owns reddit btw) because I thought she phrased it good. I've included about things that I personally had experience with for this to be authentic but the word is "mostly" tho. So I hope this helps you. If you think I've misinformed anything, comment it down below.
Getting started in Skincare can be overwhelming, what ingredients do what, what all are safe, what all are soothing, in what order should they be layered, at what frequency are they supposed to be used. Basically, there are too many questions, too much stuff to learn, and too little experience. So, I’ll tell you all about the things I’ve learned during the last 10+ months and if you can avoid the mistakes I’ve done, this article would have served its purpose and can rest in peace.
A little disclaimer: while I’d like to think of myself as a person that does quite decent research no matter what the subject, I’d like you to take my advice with a pinch of salt. Do your own research thoroughly before you add a product into your routine.
So, since this is a dummies guide I’ll try and help you make a routine for yourself. I’ll add my advice at the end, based on experience and I hope this would be your greater take away as the rest info can be found anywhere online. And by no means do I mean you guys are dummies btw.
Firstly, let’s address why skincare? As much as we’d like our life to be a perfect bubble, we know that it isn’t the case. Skincare can help every single type of skin. Your skin breaks out? Sure, we can do something about it, you get dry patches on your skin? Sure, we can manage that too, you have no problem with skin whatsoever? We can help your skin be that way till your friends are all old and wrinkly. The idea of skincare is just to provide what it needs for it to remain in a zen state by keeping it happy.
Your skin can just do fine with as basic a routine as Cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. Rest all is needed for that extra push if you will. Skin, as fascinating and self-sufficient a thing it is, sometimes needs help to function properly. Let’s tackle this baffling thing that skincare is by focusing on one product at a time.
I loved this paragraph that has been put together by AsainBeauty on Reddit.
Understanding what works for you and making informed purchases are a bit of a chicken-and-egg conundrum seeing as you won’t know your skin until you start using a routine, and you won’t know what to purchase until you know your skin! That being said, there are a lot of products out there that work for the majority of people and maybe safe initial purchases, based on your skin type and skin concerns. There may be a perfect product out there for you, but it may take some time to find it as you will have to figure out what specific ingredients your skin likes, which ones it can’t deal with, and which ones are just meh.


We all know that our face similar to our body needs washing too. So, whenever you’re choosing a cleanser make sure it is as gentle as it can be. It shouldn’t be over stripping no matter what. If you have a squeaky clean face after you wash your face and you feel like “ oh my face seems to be pretty clean now, in your face dirt and bacteria ha!, I won’t let you become a zit on my face today” then you’re in trouble. As we know our skin, being an intelligent thing that it is, normally produces oil for preserving itself. But when your face is over cleaned, if that’s a word, your skin rings the emergency alarm and asks for more oil production. So now you might feel like your face is greasy all day long. If you’re a dry skin person then guess what you’re in for more trouble. So, it’s important to choose something that doesn’t strip away your natural oil. I’d advise staying away from the whole anti-acne facewash lines we have, as none of them actually benefit you. Your facewashe should have a pH between 4.5 to 7. pH of products is important for maintaining skin barrier integrity, your skin has an acid mantle (protective barrier on the surface of skin composed of sweat, skin oils, and dead skin cells) that gives it its pH value. This mantle is a thin layer on your skin that protects you from bacteria, virus, fungi making it soft and supple, disrupting this layer can cause effects like inflammation, dermatitis, dry and dehydrated skin. Pollution, pathogens, cleansers, soaps and even water might disrupt your mantle, so it’s important for your cleanser to have a low pH so that it doesn’t make your skin squeaky clean. I know I just complicated the shit out for something like a cleanser, but don’t worry you’ll find a ton of recommendations for cleansers in that pH range.
And 60 seconds should be the max time you should spend washing your face.
Your typical face cleansers are actually used as a second cleanser. There is actually an oil-based cleanser that people use to remove the dirt, make-up, pollution, sunscreen at the end of the day. You can’t actually use oil for this purpose as there’s a risk of it remaining on the skin, even after the second cleanse, and therefore clogging your pores. Oil Cleansers or micellar water or cleansing balms are the better choices for first cleansing as they have emulsifiers that breakdown the oil and therefore helping you remove dirt and makeup along with oil. You might actually be fine without incorporating the first cleanser but many people often report that it actually made a difference, helping them. You can skip cleansers in the morning and it might actually benefit you, remember how we talked about stripping your face of Its natural oils.
Some loved and affordable products: Cetaphil Gentle cleanser, Simple refreshing Facewash.


This is just more of a trial and error sort of thing. Just choosing a moisturizer with non-comedogenic ingredients (pore-clogging ingredients) would be fine. Oily skin people can like gel textured moisturizers, dry skinned people can benefit from something thick. Typically, the thicker the product, the more moisturizing it is. If you’re oily I’d advise you to stay away from all-natural moisturizers as they usually have too many oils in them and they might clog your pores and you might end up with closed comedones (or clogged pores). There are three things in moisturizers emollients, occlusives, humectants. Emollients provide your skin with required moisturization helping your lipid barrier (your skin has lipids and ceramides and all kinds of stuff) therefore keeping it healthy, Oils, shea butter, ceramides are examples of emollients you can find. Humectants bring moisture to your skin from air thus preventing your skin from getting dry, Glycerin and hyaluronic acid are two main used Humectants. Occlusives prevent water loss from your skin, oils, silicones, dimethicone, mineral oils are examples of occlusives you can usually find in products. These three in a moisturizer can help your skin restore its skin barrier therefore keeping it healthy and happy while minimizing the possibility for irritation. Things to consider when evaluating how well your moisturizer works: • Does it leave your skin feeling bouncy and supple? Happy and healthy, not dry and tight, is what a good moisturizer is aiming for. • How long does that moisturized feeling last? If it only lasts an hour or two, you may want to find a different moisturizer! Perhaps try a thicker moisturizer, like a cream or a balm. If your moisturizer is gentle enough, doesn’t break you out, and does what it’s supposed to do, that’s awesome! Go ahead and enjoy it as part of your skincare routine :). If it turns out that your product irritates your skin, gives you acne, or doesn’t do what it should, it might be time to try a different one!


It’s the most important step period. Whatever you might be doing to your skin, if you aren’t using sunscreen it would all be a waste.
Sunscreen has the following benefits: • Reduces the risk of skin cancer • Prevents hyperpigmentation • Reduces signs of aging • Protects against signs of photodamage (fine lines, etc.) • Prevents burns (dark-skinned people aren’t affected much)
Things to remember before buying sunscreen: 1. The more the SPF the better it is. 2. It should be waterproof 3. It shouldn’t break you out obviously 4. I’d advise you to stay away from the whole natural line again. 5. If you have dark skin, avoid sunscreens with high percentages of physical filters (zinc oxide and titanium dioxide) as they’ll lend a white cast to your skin. Chemical sunscreens are your best bet. 6. If you have sensitive skin, you may prefer to look for an all physical sunscreen or a physical/chemical combination sunscreen — chemical filters (Oxybenzone, Avobenzone, typically organic ingredients) may cause stinging and irritation for some people. 7. The higher the Pa+++ rating the better protection you get.
Korean Sunscreens (from CosRx and Purito perhaps) are great, they tend to be moisturizing while providing an adequate amount of sun protection
This is it for people that usually have healthy skin or normal skin, from here on you can make your skin better but you’d have to be careful with giving your skin that extra push for dealing with aging, pigmentation, scarring, etc. I’m all up for it, if I can better myself in any way possible, and achieving great things always involves a tad bit of risk as you’d be treading in unfamiliar territory. You can minimalize the risk by studying more about it and all things worth having require effort now, don’t they? I’m just making it sound dramatic because I messed up and I don’t want you to mess up.
After following a basic routine for a few months and building a healthy skin barrier, you can start adding actives to your routine that benefit you and up your skincare game a notch. But do not enter the actives zone unless you’ve found a good Cleanser, moisturizer, and Sunscreen routine. After nailing your basic routine wait a month or two before introducing a new product and introduce a single product at a time. Be patient skincare takes time to show any results.

Let’s talk actives now.

AHAs: Alpha hydroxy acids or it is called, are exfoliating agents that work on surface-level helping you clear out tiny bumps on your skin (CCs). AHAs brighten your skin too helping with hyperpigmentation as they work on the surface level. Even though using acids on your skin sounds terrifying, don’t worry much they are well-researched ingredients and do wonders to your skin. Glycolic acid, Lactic acid (Milder), Mandelic acid (Milder) are commonly found ingredients.
BHAs: BHAs are oil-soluble ingredients so they work at the pore level. The soak up the oil clogging the pore that was about to become a pimple. These help people with acne a lot. Salicylic acid, betaine salicylate (Milder) are commonly found ingredients.
PHAs: PHAs are really mild ingredients and can be very well treated by people with sensitive skin. All these ingredients are exfoliating ingredients that are naturally derived (from almonds, sugarcane, beets, etc;) and can be found in various formulations and products like toners, essence, moisturizers, sometimes cleansers (but these make very less difference as they don’t sit on your face longer). Start with the smallest percentage you can find and start introducing it once a week. No matter what the product says, don’t start anything with the recommended usage. Start bringing it into your routine by using it once a week for a month or so and then increase it to twice a week. You can really irritate your skin if you aren’t careful enough. Be patient, they’ll help you.
Over exfoliation: This is a thing and if you happen to do this, that is exfoliate more than you are supposed to, your skin is going to freak the F out. You’ll damage your skin barrier, deal with more breakouts, your skin will remain red for long periods of time so don’t overuse a product that you have never used before. (I’ve had to deal with this btw)
Niacinamide: This is an active form of vitamin B3 that helps with pigmentation, sebum production and therefore reducing the size of your pores. This ingredient is really well tolerated by everyone and often is referred to as a holy grail ingredient.
Now the I haven’t had experience with ingredients like vitamin C, Retinoids, Azelaic acid, and others yet and so I can’t speak from personal experience but research them thoroughly if you’d want t get into them. They can make your situation worse if you don’t use them carefully. Since I’m a dummy too I’d want to stay away from them for now.
Purging: Also learn about purging. Whenever you’re introducing any actives your skin becomes worse before it gets better (worse as in you’ll deal with more than you usually do, so it changes from person to person). Purging is only possible if you are using products with active exfoliants, such as AHAs, BHAs, scrubs, peels, or retinoids. Why? Because exfoliation causes your skin to push the blockages inside of it out to the surface. Therefore, you can’t really “purge” from using a new moisturizer or new sunscreen. If you feel like you are “purging” after using a new moisturizer (or new product without any actives), you are probably just breaking out from the product. This usually lasts for a few weeks. Watch this video to know more.
Also, here’s a guide on adding products I found recently that might help you.

Skin Concerns

First knowing what skin type you have, helps a lot. Go through this video and then you can understand what might help your skin.
Let’s get through skin concerns now and let’s begin with the most common issue “Acne”.
Oily skin people usually have to deal with acne compared to dry skin people. The frustrating thing about acne is there isn’t a single thing you can point out to be the potential cause. There are literally a ton of factors that can trigger acne. So, first, let’s understand why you breakout. Our skin is made up of pores right and these pores usually have hair follicles, and there are sebaceous glands in these pores that produce oil to nourish your skin and the follicle. But we being humans we shed skin cells quite often and this is called skin cell turnover (about 50% of the dust around you comprises of dead skin cells). Sometimes when too much oil is produced or too many dead skin cells are shed our pores usually make a cocktail of oil and dead skin cells blocking our pores and these are clogged pores. There’s this bacteria called p.acne that enters this cocktail sometimes to party, and when our body detects this invasion it sends white blood cells to fight them off and it becomes this pus-filled pimple. Lack of sleep, stress, hormones, food, etc. can also trigger acne from inside messing up the oil production and skin cell turnover.

Regulating Sebum Production:

  1. Look out for ingredients like Niacinamide, green tea.
  2. Moisturize your skin so your skin doesn’t have to.
  3. Use a cleanser that isn’t over stripping.
  4. Include facial oils to lock in the moisture, it really can be a game-changer. Look out for oils with high linoleic acid like Rosehip oil or squalene as they are light on the skin. (oils high in oleic acid can help dry skin by providing sufficient nourishment as they tend to be rich).

Managing dead skin:

Exfoliants: Exfoliation is the way to help our skin with managing its skin cell turnover. You might be familiar with scrubs we usually find in the market. Scrubs are labeled under physical exfoliation. Even though people have been using physical exfoliation for a long time, it is actually proven to be not skin-friendly. The grains in scrubs usually cause micro-tears in your skin and might aggravate aging. Also, avoid scrubs if you have breakouts on your face, or maybe just avoid the region you have the breakout. If it’s cut open it might lead to further inflammation, pigmentation and makes you more susceptible to have another breakout. If you are choosing physical exfoliation make sure the grains are as tiny as possible. I actually find chemical exfoliators beneficial and safe. About which I’ve added in the Actives section. Pigmentation: There’ two types of Pigmentation. One is PIE the other is PIH. PIE is the red spot you usually have after the pimple situation. It is usually red as vessels below the skin are damaged. If you further irritate your skin or expose it to sunlight your skin triggers melanocytes to produce more melanin to save keratinocytes, therefore resulting in PIH. This is the dark spot that you see after the pimple situation. Pigmentation takes months to heal so your best bet is to prevent it from happening. So, what can you do to prevent it? Firstly, stop picking at your pimples. It just irritates your skin and more irritation equals more damage which equals more recovery time. Don’t go under sunlight if you don’t have sunscreen on. It is generally advised to wear sunscreen even though you are indoors. If you don’t wear sunscreen with enough SPF, there’s no point in doing any sort of treatment for those spots. It would all just be a moo point. So, wear sunscreen kids.
For reduction of pigmentation, you can add niacinamide, AHAs, Vitamin C, azelaic acid to your routine. But sunscreen first.

Dry skinned beauties:

Dry skinned people are usually more susceptible to aging so, it’s really important to hydrate and moisturize your skin. You can add ingredients like Hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and choose moisturizers that are usually thick in consistency. Also, add toners and essences for hydration. You can also lookup slugging online. Follow Charlotte Palermino on Instagram for advice.

Advice from experience

I had to learn these things the hard way as I f’d up way too much and I literally gambled with my skin, which I strongly advise you against btw. I was just an idiot honestly, hope you take away these things.
  1. Asian beauty over everything: This is just a personal preference actually as they usually tend to be really really mild and beginner-friendly.
  2. Keep your skin happy. Do not irritate it no matter what. If you find that something is irritating your skin dump it no matter how much you’ve paid for it or just use it on your body. Also, keep your routine really simple. The more products you add the more you are susceptible to irritation and the less you’ll know what might have caused it.
  3. Don’t underestimate the damage products can do. Introduce any sort of product with caution, always stay on the back foot. Introduce anything in small amounts. You don’t need a ton of ingredients and products to have healthy skin, keep it simple, and only introduce products according to needs.
  4. Always always always start with the least potent product you can find, to help your skin get used to it.
  5. No essential oils. Essential oils do more bad than good usually. They might trigger serious irritation, speed up aging. No tea tree oil topical application and all, trust me on this. There were way better ingredients out there that you can experiment with.
  6. No fragrance can be the way to go if you can find it. Usually, companies don’t disclose the ingredients they’ve used for fragrance and so some ingredient present in there might trigger irritation.
  7. If you find a red spot you see before the pimple pops up, it usually means something irritated your skin and now it is Inflamed. Spot treating it with pure aloe vera gel helps a ton. You can try wow 99% aloe gel (the only product I trust enough from wow btw).
  9. Pimple popping isn’t worth the shit you have to deal with later at all.
  10. Give your product some time. Sometimes it might not be the product that irritated your skin so don’t jump on that trigger quick.
  11. No product is going to change your skin overnight, there is no miracle product out there. So, stop being impatient and using it more than you can handle. There is nothing called overnight transformation. No face mask will resolve all your issues. Rome was not built in a day. Skincare is an everyday habit, consistency is a must. Sometimes breakouts/purging can cause you a lot of anxiety. This can make you go overboard and cause more harm than good. Please be patient with your skin and trust the process.
  12. Don’t be too harsh on yourself, dealing with acne can be hard and takes a toll on our mental health. Just remember it doesn’t define you and you can do something about it.
  13. With great power comes great responsibility. The ingredients you find people mentioning online that made a difference for them can be really good but if you don’t use them carefully, you might have to deal with more.
  14. Skincare is a marathon, not a race. Remember that the efforts you’re putting in will benefit you in long term.
  15. Start reading the ingredients list, you’ll eventually know why there is a specific ingredient in there with time. Use to read the ingredient label before purchasing a product.
  16. Only move to the next product if you’re sure that the current one you’re using doesn’t irritate you.
  17. Listen to your skin, not to reviews not to YouTubers. Monitor & observe your skin closely. If some advice is producing negative results even after consistent efforts, no matter how many people claim the advice is working for them, drop it, and vice versa. Learn to observe what causes your skin to react positively/negatively. People are paid to make reviews online if you have a channel on YouTube or they sed products free of cost for them to review (barter) so don’t take reviews too seriously unless you trust the source. (primarily wow and mama earth).
  18. NO DIY. Some natural things that are safe to put on your face are honey, aloe vera, tomato masks now and then for brightening(it has lactic acid in it), and you can spot treat pimples with a mixture of turmeric and milk. Don’t overdo any of these either.
  19. Sleep early ( I can’t seem to do this but it literally changes your skin game), stay hydrated, change pillow covers often, wash your towels, so basically make sure everything that comes into contact with your skin is clean.
  20. We are all different. Our skin is not the same. Our environment is not the same. Our genes are not the same. What may be too much for me maybe too little for you and, vice-versa. Please patch-test before you try any new product.
  21. Skincare YouTubers and Instagrammers: Beauty Within, Liah Yoo, James Welsh, Cassandra Bankson, Hyram, Lab muffin, Samapti Banerjee, Charlotte Palermino, Gothamista, these are some people that I follow.
Enjoy the process, enjoy taking time for yourself. Happy skincare people.
Credits: Reddit: skincareaddicts, Asianbeauty, indianskincareaddicts.
Edit: Adding a previous post of mine
Skincare is a journey, so here's some things that help improve your skin quite a bit.
1. Sleep: Sleep is such an affecting factor when I look back. When I was in college I used to sleep at around 4-5 am (just being a normal millennial I guess) and my skin was bad most of the time, there were several other factors that contributed to it too but sleep was definitely one. I realised this recently when I had been in a motorcycle accident and had to have surgery. After the surgery I used to sleep at around 12-1 am and during the initial stages of my recovery and my skin rarely if ever broke out. So yeah even though it's hard to put your phone down missing out on watching those food videos and all just remind yourself you need to have better at any cost.
2. Pillow covers and Bed sheets: If you've ever heard any Youtuber talk about this trust them it's true. When I had the accident I told you about I broke my collarbone, So I couldn't turn around when I'm asleep so my face was never in contact with the bed during the night and as a result my face was clear. I was able to pin this down when I started recovering. I could sleep on my right side (collarbone is broken on the left side) after a while and in a few days my face started to break out on my right side. It was weird kind of, no spot on my left side but a few pimples on my right. So yes Bed sheets and pillow covers do matter. I don't use a pillow but I don't change the bedsheet regularly being the lazy 21 yr old I am, So I try sleeping on my back most of the time. But this isn't effective all the time, so sheets do matter.
3. Water: Come on now what problem do you have with drinking water, just drink plenty of water everyday and stay hydrated. You have literally nothing to lose and everything to gain so just drink your damn water.
4. Digestion and Bowel movement: Include more fibre into your diet for better digestion. Have a big glass of warm water after you wake up empty stomach, it really helps. A healthy gut results in healthy skin.
5. Diet: Stay away from sugar, unhealthy fats, Dairy products. Include healthy fats that are rich in omega 3 like walnuts, egg yolks, flax and chia seeds, and sea food if you're a non vegetarian. My skin quality was always poor , I get strech marks even with the slightest change in my body, so I started adding omega 3 religiously although I don't know if it's made any difference.
( Maintain moderation in diet and you'll be fine)
6. Don't touch your face: It's so hard not to do this but this might be a game changer. No matter how much you want to touch the pimple that's gonna pop out in a day or two refrain from doing it. If you have to touch because it's itching or for some other reason wash your hands properly before hand. I've become too conscious of this recently, I use my right index finger for whenever I need to touch my face. So I avoid touching anything with this finger and it kind of seperates itself on it's own whenever I'm using my hands. Wash your hands at all costs before touching your face.
7. Keep your hair clean: This way you can reduce the acne around your hair line.
8. Don't irritate your skin: Learning to listen to your skin a great skill imo. I never understand if the product is bad or it's just purging and I end up irritating my skin most of the time. I don't understand when my skin is agitated , might be because I don't observe enough, but don't over use anything and stress your skin, any product takes a bit time to show any result. Skin care is a marathon kind of thing, results won't appear instantly so embrace this journey and keep learning :-) 9. Your facial oil is good: It's just produced to retain the moisture on your face. Don't strip it away to get a squeaky clean feeling after you wash your face, this'll just result in more oil production and as a result P. acne gets more feed.
10. Use a Clean Towel: It's comes in contact with your face so there's no need to stress on how important it is for your towels to be clean. Or if you have the patience just air dry your face.
So focus on getting your basics right because if you don't get these right no amount of skin care products can help.
submitted by __IKnowNothing to IndianSkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

DKNG - Fundamental DD Part II - DKNG

Not Financial Advice (NFA)
Warning: Wall of Text. If you hate reading just skim through the bolded/italicized
Ever since I publicized my findings on DKNG, the stock has underperformed & probably has fucked a lot of people here, especially given the overly bullish stance back in June. Unless you took my advice & got into Puts then, congrats, welcome to tendie town. For the ADHD retards, here’s what the next wall of text is going to summarize: I believe at the current price of ~$30, the stock is oversold.
A tech-focused, high-growth Company that has made sports betting easy to understand with an aesthetically pleasing interface similar to how Robinhood has neatly laid out stock market gimmicks so even high-schoolers can make sense of it I believe, is underpriced at these levels.
Let’s get into some details as to why the stock has underperformed:
First off, the news slate revolving sports with the rumored delay/cancellation of the MLB season & the NFL watching from the sidelines is in my view, just a part of why the stock has underperformed. We’ll revisit this later in this post, but I want to focus on the drivers of the stock’s recent underperformance, & why these factors are now in the rearview mirror.
Part I – The Past Has Passed – SPAC-related Equity Dilution
History lesson first: DKNG went public via a SPAC merger, which has exploded in popularity recently. Anyone serious about analyzing stocks going forward needs to do their homework on this, Google is your friend.
A feature of most SPAC merger to public listings that creates a headwind to near-term share prices are embedded equity dilution events, usually in the form of earn-outs (stock bonuses to execs, the SPAC sponsor) & conversion of Warrants.
On 5/24, the earn-outs were triggered, adding 6m shares to the share count.
On 6/26, 16.3m warrants converted to DKNG, netting them ~$188m of cash.
Stepping back a little, in addition to the above, on 6/18 DKNG launched a follow-on equity offering of 16M shares @ $40/Share [1], receiving $621M in proceeds.
The last part is tricky to understand from a dilution perspective. To simplify, historically it’s almost a coin toss whether a Company’s shares outperform on the onset of an equity offering. While issuing shares does dilute the existing shareholder base, it theoretically shouldn’t, if the proceeds from the offering are earmarked for investments/projects that yield outsized returns. This is the reality for the long term, theory for the short-term. For the short-term, the ‘reality’ isn’t that the proceeds will be used for investments/projects that yield outsized returns, it is more about how convincing management is to investors that the investments they intend to pursue with the proceeds will outweigh the dilutive effects of issuing incremental shares. That’s a mouthful, but hopefully you get what I’m trying to convey.
All of this stuff put together – the Company has increased its share count by ~39M, but now has a whopping ~$1.4Bn of cash [2]. More on this in the next section.
Part II – MLB News Should Not Fucking Matter & DKNG Is Positioned As the Leading Online/Mobile Sports Platform
DKNG should not be so tied to MLB news or any of this shit as the ongoing success of the NBA/NHL season + Soccer in Europe has effectively created a blueprint on how to regulate player behavior so that they maintain professionalism amidst the pandemic. I’m going out on a whim here, but I truly think the MLB threatening a cancellation of the season is pure posturing to get these fuckers to behave appropriately. Maybe a ‘bubble’ is what it takes to get these players to focus on their jobs instead of going out & contracting COVID, but I argue that isn’t necessarily required given Soccer in Europe. So there’s already a proven path here without the need for a bubble in Soccer, so MLB/NFL should be fine, and execs need to study how they got it done in Europe. Okay, back to some facts.
Anecdotally, I’ve kept in touch with a handful of sports bookies from California to New York & even internationally about what they’re seeing – all of them say that since the NBA season started on 7/30 & since Soccer (especially the Premier League) resumed in June, along with other leagues like La Liga & Serie A, they’ve seen massive increases in betting.
These numbers are also showing up in the official data [3]:
REMEMBER: This is for June only! No NBA, No NHL, No MLB, just Soccer, Golf, NASCAR & UFC.
The data clearly shows that there was a ton of pent-up sports betting demand, which leads one Wall St. analyst to think that betting on the NBA/NHL could ABSORB the MLB’s sports betting handle (handle = total $ size of sports bet) [5]. Remember, the MLB season is still ongoing, with games being played. The entire focus is on the Miami Marlins & St. Louis Cardinals. Fucking retards.
Additionally, I want to remind everyone that is the #1 Fantasy sports website in the U.S. [6]. Also, since April 2020 site visitations are up +86% [7] & Google Search Trends for “Draft Kings” is up ~3x compared to PRE-COVID levels [8]. What does this mean? They are piquing more people’s curiosity than prior to COVID/ongoing slate of sports.
This is important because remember that ~$1.4Bn chest full of cash I mentioned DKNG had assembled earlier? Well, that money is being put to work & results are already coming in, which is exactly what DKNG intended to do with it.
Part III – Legalization of Sports Betting in the U.S.
I could write a fucking bible on this topic alone, but for now we’ll stick to some basics. Due to COVID, it’s easy to understand that each State’s financial situation is clearly in shit. Because of this, you better believe that these guys are going to start taking a hard look at how they can extract additional tax revenues, & what’s one of the easiest ways to do this? Legalization & taxation of gambling.
The big players: CA, TX, FL & NY. First, CA pushing its legislation out to 2023 was fucked up, but here’s a twist I want to add to this: Anything that has to do with gambling in CA you better believe is lobbied against by not just the Tribal casino owners in CA, but by the deep pockets of Las Vegas money. Similar thing can be said for FL, but let’s take a look at some actions by LV/nationwide gambling companies that are starting to align financial incentives with guys like DKNG.
So it’s safe to say going forward, nationwide legalization of sports betting will reap rewards for everyone involved, & no longer be something LV money is completely focused on safeguarding.
Let’s also not forget that DKNG didn’t become the Company they are today because of their fancy app, but because their management team has a HISTORY of navigating the U.S.’s legal framework to get what they want out of it.
These guys are at the cutting edge of creating legal frameworks to successfully launch their products & now with more of their ‘competitors’ financially aligned with them, combined with financial deterioration of State budgets, we should see an overweighting of good news vs. bad on the legal front.
Final Part – Share Price Targets
Under-fucking priced at anything below $42.50
Near-term catalysts:
8/14: DKNG files 2Q’20 results, might be shitty, but you can bet that the Earnings Call is going to contain rhetoric on how massive the uptick in sports betting has been since late June/July.
Sometime from now until November: NY releases ‘study’ by Spectrum Gaming on online/mobile sports betting.
8/20 – 9/7: PGA Championship for FedEx Cup Title
9/5 – KY Derby
9/10: NFL KickOff Game
9/17: PGA U.S. Open Start Date
Month of October: NBA/NHL Playoffs
10/1: Estimated launch of online sports betting in TN
11/1: Estimated launch of online sports betting in VA
[2] Wall St. Research – DKNG on 6/29/20
[4]; Note: Nevada did not break out April/May figures but from the Revenue difference of 3 month ended June 30 of 4,950 vs. month of June of 2,297 for a total difference of 2,653 spread evenly over April/May for a base case April estimate of 1,327.
[5] Wall St. Research - 7/27/20
[8] Feb 23-29, 2020 vs. Current Aug 2 – Aug 8, 2020
submitted by IAMB4TMAN to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

The UK takes aim at Loot Boxes and other 'harmful' and 'concerning' business practices within the Gaming industry.

With regards to the recent Loot Box / MTX issue within Modern Warfare, I thought there might be some interest for this info:
A Select Committee in the UK parliament was tasked with investigating the Gaming industry, especially it's use of lootboxes, microtransactions and age ratings:
Their findings were recently made public and their conclusions include the following:

Also, today, the BBC published this article on links between MTX/lootboxes and gambling addiction:

"Steve son's addiction was sparked when he was 12 or 13 and was obsessed with playing online games, particularly football games. Crucially, Steve's son was encouraged to pay for extra products, such as 'ultimate team packs'. The identities of the players in these packs would only be revealed once he had paid, which Steve says introduced his son to the 'thrill of gambling', the game of chance and risk - including the chance of acquiring a star player who would make him unbeatable. Like the "ultimate team packs" that Steve's son used to buy, loot boxes may contain virtual items such as weapons or shields that help a player win the game - and gamers don't know what's in them until they have bought them."
It currently sits on the most read article list for today.
With both the news and MPs looking into the issue, it may not be long before the UK follows Belgium's lead.
submitted by ChirpyNortherner to modernwarfare [link] [comments]

Turns out we might not be having TH gambling anymore HOPEFULLY within the next year. Report conclusion on what the UK government is recommending to do.

Turns out we might not be having TH gambling anymore HOPEFULLY within the next year. Report conclusion on what the UK government is recommending to do.
Turns out the poor kid who spent 5k a month in RS allegedly spent over 50,000 pounds on RS and Jagex didn't care. If you just want to know the TLDR then read the very bottom bolded statement.

Reminds me of my own personal experience with gambling back in the day, I was one of the biggest spenders when I was hooked, OCD is a terrible thing. If only I got confirmations for TH Key purchases as it's far more than the 1500 AUD below. When "spins" changed to "keys" the emails sent for confirmation were changed to only login inbox on the RS site so I can't show how much I used to be addicted for. Here's my inbox just searching for "spins" before the rename. Thou I don't spend anything anymore what happened to me from nonstop mtx promos made me leave RS because there was no other way. Well that and every boss content required you to have friends and insanely good internet/pc to even attempt. One thing people won't know as well unless they did buy for their partner, I'd usually buy spins as a small gift as she played RS far more than I did, one thing that really was lucky and actually pissed me off was the fact that since her account was using the same credit card. She would get so many popups in game of 50% off etc etc whereas I'd get none despite spending more on my account. Never made sense until the parliament video as the guy says it depends on how much time/effort someone spends in RS. I was the xp waster in the relationship. I stopped playing slowly in the last 3 years and drop in time to time to this reddit to check up if it's possible to play RS3 for fun.

Anyway onto a fellow ex-addict:

Report here on findings after the hearing with Jagex:
  1. We were contacted by a member of the public whose adult son built up considerable debts, reported to be in excess of £50,000, through spending on microtransactions in British company Jagex’s online game RuneScape. For example, bank statements showed that in one day the individual spent £247.95 by making five separate payments to the company. The resulting debt caused significant financial harm for both the player and his parents, whose evidence attributed the situation to the fact that Jagex has no limits on the amount of time or money players can spend on the game. This demonstrated to us that even companies with good policies to support some aspects of player wellbeing can fall short in other areas.
63.Jagex told us that it generates about one-third of its revenue from microtransactions, with two-thirds coming from an alternative subscription model. The company’s director of player experience Kelvin Plomer told us that players “can potentially spend up to £1,000 a week or £5,000 a month” in RuneScape, but that only one player had hit that limit in the previous 12 months. The company’s reasoning for setting this limit seemed to stem from fraud prevention, rather than out of a duty of care to prevent people spending more than they are able. Jagex does allow players to “request deletion of the account or suspension of the account or a payment block”; however, crucially in the case of the parent who contacted us, for data protection reasons it can deal only with account holders and so was unable to take direct action in response to the parent’s concerns.
64.Other players have raised similar concerns about in-game spending in RuneScape, and have referenced the way the game is designed to encourage players to spend more. For example, one told us that in his five years playing RuneScape:
I’ve spent over $2000 CAD on in-game wealth and in-game progression. I am not proud of this. I’ve loaded my credit card with $500 CAD in one night to skip hundreds of hours of content I didn’t find enjoyable to unlock achievements because of a promotion they were running. I’ve spent $300 CAD in 20 minutes legally on in-game wealth I lost instantly gambling because I wanted more in-game wealth to purchase better gear.

So what's going to be done about MTX in future by the UK? Full recommendation here:

Conclusions and Recommendations
  1. Having struggled to get clear answers and useful information from companies across the games industry in particular, we hope that our inquiry and this report serve to focus all in the industry—particularly large, multinational companies whose games are played all over the world—on their responsibilities to protect their players from potential harms and to observe the relevant legal and regulatory frameworks in all countries their products reach.
7.We believe that any gambling-related harms associated with gaming should be recognised under the online harms framework. To inform this work, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport should immediately establish a scientific working group to collate the latest evidence relating to the effects of gambling-like mechanics in games. The group should produce an evidence-based review of the effects of gambling-like game mechanics, including loot boxes and other emerging trends, to provide clarity and advice. This should be done within a timescale that enables it to inform the Government’s forthcoming online harms legislation.
8.We recommend that loot boxes that contain the element of chance should not be sold to children playing games, and instead in-game credits should be earned through rewards won through playing the games. In the absence of research which proves that no harm is being done by exposing children to gambling through the purchasing of loot boxes, then we believe the precautionary principle should apply and they are not permitted in games played by children until the evidence proves otherwise.
9.Loot box mechanics are integral to major games companies’ revenues and evidence that they facilitate profiting from problem gamblers should be of serious concern to the industry. We recommend that working through the PEGI Council and all other relevant channels, the UK Government advises PEGI to apply the existing ‘gambling’ content labelling, and corresponding age limits, to games containing loot boxes that can be purchased for real-world money and do not reveal their contents before purchase.
10.We agree with the Gambling Commission that games companies should be doing more to prevent in-game items from being traded for real-world money, or being used in unlicensed gambling. These uses are a direct result of how games are designed and monetised, and their prevalence of undermines the argument that loot boxes are not a form of gambling. Moreover, we believe that the existing concept of ‘money’s worth’ in the context of gambling legislation does not adequately reflect people’s real-world experiences of spending in games.
  1. We consider loot boxes that can be bought with real-world money and do not reveal their contents in advance to be games of chance played for money’s worth. The Government should bring forward regulations under section 6 of the Gambling Act 2005 in the next parliamentary session to specify that loot boxes are a game of chance. If it determines not to regulate loot boxes under the Act at this time, the Government should produce a paper clearly stating the reasons why it does not consider loot boxes paid for with real-world currency to be a game of chance played for money’s worth.
submitted by Strife_3e to runescape [link] [comments]

PSA: To those plalying on Global Poker, Bovada, ACR, etc... from PA

You might want to think about pulling your money from those sites. As it seems like the PGCB is going to be pursuing these offshore sites.


EDIT: There was no mention of PA online poker in the Exec. Director's address before the Board. However, there was an announcement by PGCB Chairman David Barasch at the very beginning which mentioned grants that are being awarded to local law enforcement agencies to combat illegal gambling. Agencies have until January 21st, 2020 to apply for these grants. Official information on this program can be found below.
This is interesting and perhaps revealing, as one of the questions in this thread has been whether PA regulators would crack down on offshore/unauthorized operators who service the market "illegally." The PGCB's grant program could lead one to believe that the Board will indeed address the "illegal gambling" issue, and will do so in collaboration with statewide law enforcement agencies.
submitted by PPQue6 to poker [link] [comments]

9 Practical Tips for Playing #Slot #Machines

9 Practical Tips for Playing #Slot #Machines
Techniques as well as techniques to ENHANCE your possibilities of WINNING!
By owning your own #casino #slot #machine, you could have the BIGGEST advantage contrasted to the adhering to #slot #machine winning pointers!
Picture, simply one pull of the handle, or one push of the button, you might win SO MUCH MONEY that you would be able to spend for the price of having your own #slot #machine. What a sensible financial investment, would not you agree?
Slots may be one of the most lively and also exciting video games to dip into online gambling enterprises. The best online casinos include hundreds of different slots, consisting of various titles based on box-office hits, such as Anchorman: The Tale of Ron Wine red, the cult-classic comedy.
Considering that there are a lot more slots than any other game, taking some time to establish your method is absolutely worth it. Whether you're a skilled pro, a little skilled or a complete beginner to ports, these pointers will show you just how to win having fun fruit machine. That is why we strongly advise bookmarking this web page and maintaining it convenient for when dipping into any one of the top online slot's websites in your state.
Sight the very best websites for PA online slots, and if you are in New Jersey, view our page featuring the most effective NJ online ports.
  1. Play Higher Denominations
To boost the likelihood of you striking a winning combo, constantly select the greater denomination ports. You must play ports with greater religion bets offered as frequently as feasible because these slots are the most likely to give you a payment.
Payback percents of port video games are about the denomination of the bet, or the cost of a spin. The greater the religion, the greater the repayment portion, indicating you'll have a far better chance of hitting playing slots with higher religions.
  1. Wager the Maximum
Bet the optimum to get all the lines at work during your spin. Slots with several lines need specific bets to be activated, and wagering limit is equally as good. Whenever you're playing ports, it's finest to bet the optimum feasible to enhance your opportunities of hitting a payment.
Numerous functions such as in-game bonuses and dynamic rewards can not also be triggered unless you bet on all the offered lines. Bet the optimum whenever you're playing ports to make certain you do not lose out on any part of a slot game.
  1. The Even More Complicated the Game, the Lower Your Probabilities
The more complex the game, the reduced your probabilities of hitting that payment. All those special extra features do not aid, and as enjoyable, as they may be, monitoring incentives, multipliers, as well as modern jackpots when playing a complicated slot doesn't make it any less complicated.

Keep it easy! The probabilities for all these difficult ports have an odor, so simply prevent them. Instead, play some of the most prominent port video games that aren't made complex to get the best chances each time you rotate. Take a look at the 11 most preferred online port video games and locate one to play right now.

  1. Evaluate the Games You Play
Instead of betting on slots you have actually never ever played prior to, check them out initially. Play the complimentary ports version for each of the titles you're interested in. In this manner you can examine out the port suggestions you've reviewed, develop an approach and method so you'll prepare when it's time to have fun with actual money at stake.
Do not ever squander your time and money playing ports you do not appreciate. Locate a new video game quickly. You can play cost-free demo versions of almost every port game offered at each online casino site. Typically these free demos are playable before you even have an account established.
  1. Don't Worry About 'Due' Payments
It's difficult for some individuals to accept, but port video games get to the result of each spin at any kind of port video game is completely arbitrary. This is one of those must-have slots tips: 'Due' payments do not exist.
Regulated by the random number generator (RNG), all the slot mixes are arbitrarily diverse as well as chosen as soon as you rotate the slot. Just port spins that struck a winning combo receive a payment, and there's no other way to recognize when that'll happen. Anyone informing you or else is wrong.
  1. Tight Machines do Exist
Sometimes, you'll fulfill a limited slots, one that just never ever seems to hit. These machines will certainly have you rotating far too long without a single hit, making you invest greater than you possibly should just attempting to hit on a solitary port game.
Limited machines are a lot more typical than you might think, particularly when you include all the slots with a terrible payback percentage. Limited machines are dreadful, but at least you can additionally locate loose slots that will hit regularly and give regular payments also.
RELATED: Slots one of 10 gambling enterprise video games with the lowest residence edge. Check them full blast below.
  1. Cash money over Card
When playing fruit machine face to face, we suggest you adhere to having fun with cash money instead of with credit scores or debit cards. There are virtually say goodbye to coin-based one-armed bandit at casino sites, however you can still select smaller sized religions after placing cash.
Physically inserting expenses right into the vending machine as you play will make you extra familiar with the cash you invest playing port games. Instead of swiping whenever you intend to rotate, utilizing cash money as you play port games can aid you bet within your restrictions. When playing on-line ports, provide on your own a set amount to work with.
  1. Know When to Stop
Ports can be a great deal of fun, but also for it to remain that way you must know when it's time to stop. Offer it some severe consideration as well as identify your objectives for playing slots. Determine how much time and money you want to spend playing slots as well as stay liable.
Ports can be one of one of the most rapid as well as most exhilarating experiences, which is why it is very important to set some restrictions prior to you get rotating. You do not wish to get so caught up in the excitement that you spend way more than you can afford to chase after a payout.
  1. Very own Your Own Vending machine
Envision that you are in a land-based casino as well as sitting ideal in front of you is the very same fruit machine that you possess in the house. Now, wouldn't it make sense that since you already own the identical slots that everybody seems to be shedding on, that you are the only person that comprehends the characteristics of exactly how that slots gamer? Unlike the various other people in the casino site, you are the ONLY INDIVIDUAL that UNDERSTANDS how to PLAY and WIN on that particular certain vending machine.
There is NO BETTER means to WIN playing a slot machine than POSSESSING a fruit machine of your own!
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submitted by jimmm123456 to u/jimmm123456 [link] [comments]

Debunking Duterte's list of "achievements"

So somebody tried to pass off a list of Duterte's achievements daw.
My first thoughts as I went over the list

Hay slim pickings.

  1. These "achievements" are not thanks to the president.
  2. Most are just here to pad up. A dinner with soldiers? Photo op with libreng dinner, achievement agad? Minor operational adjustments in some agency, achievement agad. Nagkabit lang ng bumbilya sa streetlamp, acheivement agad. The desperation is sad.
  3. Credit grabbing.
  4. The inclusion of "achievements" na disproven na, like the ceasefire with the left and free tuition for SUCs na either financial assistance talaga (So credit grabbing) or lasted for a year (one time thing) lang.
  5. Signed into law, but without implementing rules naman kahit ilang buwan na ang nakakalipas. Case in point, stiff penalties for hospitals refusing patients without deposit and ANTI SMOKING LAW.
  6. Things that every president has been doing, sa iba normal lang, kay duterte achievement agad, like "visiting military camps" with matching addition pa ng "intentions" ahahhaah
  7. Ang daming Inuulit... Namention na sa taas, minention pa ulit at least one other time sa baba... para magmukhang mahaba.
  8. While some of the "achievements" are sketchy dodgy, a few included here are downright lies... unemployement rate decreased under Duterte? the numbers say otherwise. And get this... improvements sa MRT LRT!!!!!
Let me repeat that...



So debunking.

PH external debt sheds $5.2B as of June 2017.
This is thanks to the private sector who met their debt obligations :) As far as public debt is concerned, it was due to Arroyo's and Aquino's administrations that this is being serviced. They alloted money for debt service :), something that Duterte only inherited. And seeing that it was in June 2017, he probably didn't have time to change the budget for it yet. Aquino's government paid P634 billion from July 2010 to April 2011, alone.
So credit grabbing.
Highest PSEi closed at all-time high 8,312.93
A ripple effect of what happened in Wall Street. :) And even though it looks positive, it is potentially a warning sign. "Everyone knows market meltdowns are scary. But "melt ups" are dangerous too. These relentless, unsustainable market rises end in tears because they aren't supported by fundamentals -- the economy and corporate profits."
Crime rate in Manila drops by 38% for the past 12 months.
As reported by the PNP :) But thank God for that, even if it's only in Manila. From 5,474 cases to 3,393 cases.... yes, Manila is safer.
Duterte's Political Will costs: 6B from Lucio Tan, 1.7B w/o Tax from Mile Long Property and 25B from Mighty Cigarettes
Yes, We got P6 B from Tan, down from P7.3 B. P1.3 B lang naman ang sinayang natin di ba? Coins.
And we got P25 B from Mighty, na dapat P38 B... P13 billion lang naman. Again coins.
Political will ba to o discount? O baka naman yung hindi binayad sa P14.3 B from both cases eh napunta sa bulsa ng iilan?
Free tuition in SUCs
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA with a lot of caveats and requirements. It's not universal. And one school has already said it will be providing free tuition only for a year.
Free internet in public places
Now this is good. So far, the number of sites that now has free public internet totals 12,841 in 1,634 cities and municipalities. The question is, is the connection reliable and fast? And did it reach underserved areas?
Passport validity extension to ten years
Thank you for this amendment.
Driver's license validity extension to five years
Thank you for this amendment.
Stiffer penalties for hospitals refusing to treat patients
Law was signed August 4. And yet cases like this one still exists
Bakit? kasi wala pang IRR.
The indefinite ceasefire between the MNLF, MILF, CPP NDF and the government (held in Norway)
Luh... nagkamurahan na nga sila ni Joma.... this is outdated and no longer holds.
The centralised complaint and action hotlines - 911 and 8888
Good. If it works.
The one stop shop for OFW in POEA which is way better than before
Funny, this sounds like the ASSIST WELL program that was pioneered by the Aquino admin as far back in 2012. didn't even change the name, OSPC.
The removal of processing fee on travel tax exemption
Minor thing. the processing fee was removed only for those who were already exempted... it's P200 per passenger.
The 2,000 pesos SSS pension raise
Which led to the fund being in danger of insolvency and the fund life drastically cut short. It also led to lower net income to the tune of BILLIONS. And no, it's just P1,000 for now. :)
The much empowered servicemen who are now willing to serve the country with pride and higher self esteem
The servicemen's one in a million dinner at Malacanang opportunity
Photo op and this was in 2016. No other dinners after that? one in a million nga. hahaha So it's not really an achievement. naisip lang niya manglibre at magpapicture, so that his followers would have something to call an achievement.
The rounds in all of the defense camps to see what each station needs so that they can give better service to the country
hahahahahahhahahaha.... oh you sweet summer child.
More like: to make sure the AFP doesn't stage a coup. You know, Galawang Arroyo.
The shutdown/closure of some mining companies that destroy the country's natural resources
Thanks to the efforts of Gina Lopez. After she got rid of the mining companies who were in competition with Duterte's campaign donors, she was booted out of the government.
In fact, recently lang, Duterte again threatened to close mines, but not for polluting... but because they supported the left na kinaiinisan niya.
Food for thought no? :) And hello Dennis Uy!
The removal of the fishing fences in Manila Bay to give other small fishermen a fair chance to use it for their livelihood
Is this accurate? Or sa Laguna Bay ito?
Anyway, thank you naman... Mr. Duterte sa pagbabaklas... now can you do the same with China? rather than telling our fishermen to avoid an area that is technically theirs?
The new buses from the airport to many major hubs in nearby cities
This is a private sector initiative. Thanks Air 21!
So, credit grabbing.
The one sack rice added to 4Ps cash assistance to our less fortunate fellowmen
This is a good thing.... and I hope they find the budget for it. It would cost taxpayers P34.8 billion a year to continue this.
The salary increase of the servicemen which is bound to happen any moment soon - and the soon to be state of the art equipped hospital for them.
Any moment soon. Soon. So wala pa... let's not include this, medyo desperate eh.
The hastened benefits claiming of the family of our fallen men
Good. But you should note that Duterte announced that he will be creating a special office for the fast release of benefits for soldiers... in August 2016... hanggang ngayon waley pa rin.
The increased allowance of our olympics delegates
In Jul 2016, he promised to increase the allowance from $1,000 to $3,000... Ang tanong, nagkatotoo ba?
The immediate signing of Freedom of Information
Only for the executive branch, and with exemptions. With only 30% of all requests being approved. Freedom of information ba talaga? They jsut recently heavily redacted SALNs of public officials, na hindi dapat nila ginawa.
Transparency my butt.
The exposés against local executives, police generals, judges and other top officials in government
Which included a dead judge, right?
The now better looking cleaner Baclaran, Divisoria and other public places
Thank you to the LGUs of these places.
The employment increase and unemployment decrease
Plain and simple not true.
Unemployment rate as of July 2017 was 5.6%, up from 5.4% the year before.
The exposés against olligarchs who have been evading to pay taxes
Oh, and when will we hear about his expose on Dennis Uy????
The lower street crimes because most of the nutters who are more likely to commit the crimes have already surrendered and therefore identified
The Mindanao peace process that has resumed again in Malaysia
Outdated and no longer true.
The bilateral talks with China over the WPS dispute
What bilateral talks??? Source?
The launch of Oplan Tokhang which has more positive results - including the not so good ones
Outdated and no longer true. In fact, since Tokhang was shelved and the drug war was taken away from the PNP, the PDEA was able to get more results.
The cooperation and openness of fenced elite subdivisions for Oplan Tokhang as they show support to the war on drugs campaign
Why is this an achievement? And how is getting your door knocked on and your doorbell pressed a show of support?
The billions worth of drugs seized in the operation
This only happened under Duterte?
also there is 6.4B worth of drugs seized... seized lang, walang investigations kung sino nagpadala... kasi malalagot si Polong...
So how is this an achievement?
The closure of so many drug labs all over the country
Source? How many drug labs were closed in total under this admin, and how comparable is it with other presidents?
The more regulated and SAF manned BUCOR
Which recently said that they cannot handle the continuing drug trade inside....
The no VIP treatment for government officials in airports
Only that government officials also wanted VIP treatment for traffic violations.
The ongoing improvements of MRT/LRT service and other major thoroughfares
The customs installation of CCTVs all over the place to promote transparency
Which at the most critical times are turned off, or sira, or hindi narecord...
The crackdown of Bilibid Drug Trade and the expose' of Lielie de Lima
Have you heard? Delima's in Jail and Aguirre recently admitted that the drug trade continues???
DFA is now faster in processing passports.
If you can get a schedule.
Fixers are now out of sight
End of Contractualization
Have you been to SM lately?
No more age limit requirements to all job seekers.
Yey to child labor!
The closure of online gambling. From 4 thousand outlets during the arroyo admin, to 8 thousand outlets during Aquino admin
To favor a close family affiliate who bought up the shares of PhilWeb. Haven't you heard? Philweb is back and is operating again :)
OEC exemption for OFWs returning to same employer! Finally no need to pay and go through the troublesome process of acquiring OEC.
good. Thank you Sec. Bello.
The extension of passport validity to 10 years
Inulit? padding ha.
The curfew hours for minors.
Outdated and no longer enforced.
free tuition in state universities and colleges for Filipino undergraduate students starting Academic Year 2017-2018;
inulit? Padding ha.
free irrigation;
free medical assistance in six hospitals that offer the Libreng Gamot Para sa Masa (Lingap) program which benefited some 9,429 indigents (from March to June 9);
One time thing?
microfinancing assistance that gives Pondo sa Pagbabago at Pag-asenso (P3) program for the underprivileged Filipino entrepreneurs, with Mindoro, Leyte, and Sarangani as pilot provinces;
Repackaged SBC program. So credit grabbing.
additional P600 rice subsidy to each Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) household beneficiary;
strict enforcement of labor laws particularly on security of tenure, which saw the regularization of 45,605 workers (from July 2016 to March 2017);
doesn't really help those contractuals who now have a five month contract. Certainly not an end to contractualization.
across-the-board increase in the monthly pension of more than two-million Social Security System (SSS) retirees;
INULIT??? PAdding ha
awarding of Certificates of Land Ownership Award (CLOAs) to Hacienda Luisita farmers starting with 111 beneficiaries, as of February 2017; and
Good. But did you know Luisitia land titles have been distributed since 2013?
So not necessarily a Duterte achievement.
The laglag bala at the airport has finally stopped right after PRRD took office. I personally experienced that worry free moment and noticed that no more luggages with plastic wraps.


The immediate repatriation of stranded OFWs in Saudi Arabia (which if I remember it right, one Kuya was crying when he finally touched base simply because he could now be reunited with his loved ones because those who were sent by the previous government only visited them to have some selfies with them.)
Thanks to the KSA government. All Duterte did was to make them sundo. He didn't even provide for the plane.
Balikan ko yung iba... ang daming inuulit.
submitted by merdionesmondragon to Philippines [link] [comments]

Top 10 Ways to Earn Bitcoin in 2020

Top 10 Ways to Earn Bitcoin in 2020
Back in 2018, the most popular way to earn bitcoin seemed to be through Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). Over $6 billion was raised in Q1 2018 for crypto projects — many with just a white paper and a website. Business was good for founders and investors until the end of 2018 when scammers were the only ones laughing. Most investors lost money, and capital investments into ICO dropped 97%. Companies like TruStory even launched whose sole mission was to stop ICO scams from happening. By Q1 2019, less than $900 million was raised through ICOs —with regulation being the coup de gras.
So where has all the momentum shifted? The second wave of crypto projects will undoubtedly reward profits over potential. This article examines the top ways you can earn bitcoin in 2020 — from faucets and bitcoin mining to crypto savings accounts. The biggest winners of 2020 will likely fall into one of the following 10 categories. The strategy that is right for you will depend on your skills, network, access to capital, location, risk tolerance and investment timeline.

#1 - Holding
Arguably the best way to make money on Bitcoin is to buy it and hold it for many years. Smart investors rely on a strategy called Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) to reduce market volatility. This works by investing a fixed amount on a regular schedule, ie $100 once a week for 10 weeks, which helps offset the crypto market volatility. The hard part is being patient with the investment and resisting the urge to daytrade or sell too quickly.

#2 - Lending
A number of fintech companies like BlockFi and BitBond now offer the ability to earn interest on your crypto holdings. Interest rates range start around 8% and can go as high as 20% for trusted lenders. The interest clients earn typically compounds monthly, although these returns mimic that of the S&P 500 so this is considered a low risk/reward option.

#3 - Day Trading
A common way to earn Bitcoin trading is through trading cryptocurrencies on exchanges using 1X to as high as 100X leverage. Traders can also bet on the index of any crypto on sites like eToro or Robinhood. Daytraders will trade based on charts and trends, and try to grow their portfolio.
Another much safer form of arbitrage is dropshipping. You can source products on Amazon or from sites like Oberlo who will help you find the right products to buy. You can build an e-commerce store using Shopify or just sell on eBay. If you have a store and supply chain already, it's easy to start accepting Bitcoin using a payment gateway like CoinPayments or BitPay.
Other peer-to-peer exchanges like Paxful, Purse and Redeeem allow you to trade gift cards and other digital and physical goods for bitcoin.

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Gambling with Bitcoin is highly addictive, risky, largely unregulated, and offers the biggest and fastest financial volatility. Some popular crypto gambling sites include CloudBet, BetOnline, FortuneJack, Bovada, BetUS and hundreds of others. For more rankings, click here.

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To be successful, individual miners are forced to join collective mining pools like MinerGate or simply mine as a fun hobby with Coinmine or Homeyminer and not worry about the ROI. To learn more, click here.

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A faucet is just a website that gives free coins to every visitor for staying on the site or engaging with content. Some examples are Cointiply, FreeBitcoin, SatoshiQuiz and others. Keep in mind, a satoshi represents roughly 0.00000001 bitcoin, so 100 satoshi is about 1 penny. It would take 100 correct trivia answers on SatoshiQuiz to make $1 USD. It's far more profitable to own a Bitcoin faucet and make money on advertisements.

#7 - Services
There are dozens of job boards online where you can earn bitcoin for a variety of independent contractor services. Many clients on Upwork, Freelancer and other non-crypto platforms will gladly 15% discounts or more if they can pay their freelancers in bitcoin and avoid the costs of the marketplace. Other more dedicated sites are listed below.
Jobs4Bitcoin — Reddit job board for bitcoin tasks
AngelList — Job board for crypto companies and projects — Earn bitcoin while learning about crypto
CryptoGrind — Escrow for bitcoin freelancers
CryptoJobs — Job board for bitcoin freelancers
Coinality — Job board for crypto freelancers
Bitfortip — Earn bitcoin for helping people Indeed — Job board for crypto companies BitWage — HR services for paying in crypto XBTFreelancer — Freelancers get paid in bitcoin

#8 - Exchanges
The simplest and lowest-cost exchange is a Bitcoin ATM. As of January 2019, there were 4,213 Bitcoin or cryptocurrency ATMs worldwide. With many countries like Venezuela, Argentina and Nigeria experiencing hyperinflation, the world's 2.3 billion unbanked people will continue to demand bitcoin and stablecoins as hedges against inflation. The estimated startup costs for a Bitcoin ATM is about $25,000 per location, according to CoinATMRadar.
Building a crypto exchange or peer-to-peer trading platform will be a more expensive way to earn bitcoin as an exchange. This requires building a website, hosting wallets on the blockchain, building security protocols, creating KYC/AML policies, accepting crypto payments, building two sides of a marketplace, and a little marketing, branding and legal work. Some examples of successful P2P trading platforms are Paxful, Purse and Redeeem.
The fiat to crypto exchanges like Gemini, Coinbase and Kraken usually require venture funding, large engineering teams and banking partnerships for proper custody of the funds. Fiat exchanges also have to register as a Money Services Business (MSB). For a full list of fiat exchanges, click here.

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Affiliate programs in crypto are endless, and they can come in many different shapes and sizes. Products like Lolli and Pei will reward you with bitcoin cashback everywhere you shop. Exchanges like Changelly will give you a percentage of their fee revenue for referring clients. Wallets like Abra will give you $25 for each signup. The optimal strategy is picking a familiar product that you know and love. For a list of affiliate programs, click here.

#10 - Content
Bitcoin is King. Content is King. So Bitcoin Content must be God. The ability to research, write and publish high-quality content on Bitcoin, blockchain and cryptocurrencies will be a highly coveted asset in 2020. It's free to start a Medium blog, video blog or podcast and share your ideas to passionate audiences on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit or Quora. Try to build an audience first then turn on AdSense or activate other partnerships to start collecting passive revenue for your content.
submitted by levi_d-19 to Redeeem [link] [comments]

[OC]Day Zero (Part 15)

Well, this was a harder chapter than any other to finish. I was actually stuck a little, and had to figure a way out, but finally did, it just took a while. I hope you like the way things came out.
I'm especially proud of how the guy from Arizona came out. He's based on a guy I met when I was working around some post-doc chemist types. Brilliant, but awkward and super nice.
As always, thanks for reading!
PART 1PART 4 PART 7 Part 10 PART 13
“So you mean to tell me that all the good actionable intelligence our team’s have been fed has been from you?” The US soldier was intense, but personable. He was known as one of the more reasonable and intelligent commanders in the Army Special Forces.
“This last like 4-5 months, Yes,” Mark said.
“And all the bullshit about the Ultimate Spartan Race teams and the Online Game championships are your way of building a military without building a military?” This was from a thick Samoan guy from the SEALs.
“Yup,” Mark said.
“And Musk going to the moon... Y’alls Idea?” This came from the handlebar mustached mouth of the Marine Raider.
Mark smiled. “Technically, no. Meeting me did bring his timetable up like 2 years with some of the Tech I've been able to help him with, but going was his idea after he’d sorted out his self landing rocket stages.”
“And now, you expect us to believe that we’ve not only been visited by aliens, but we’re on the cusp of joining them at some intergalactic ‘Big Kid’s Table’ just because some guy in Arizona has figured out Faster than light travel?” The combat controller guy from the Air Force looked very skeptical.
Mark looked around the room. This was his biggest gamble yet. He’d had the internet Ops AIs finagle the orders for ten of the top tier special operators in the US military to be in the same room at the same time and just finished going over what he’d been through. He’d bought this little off strip Vegas casino as a way to hide in plain sight and have the odd covert meeting. Oh, and he’d always wanted to own a casino. What’s $60 Million when you are controlling a Trillion or three?
“I am,” Mark said. There was a podium and table at the head of the conference room, with a T-45 on one side. He was sitting on the table, facing the men. He’d never been a podium guy. “What kind of thing would convince you? The tech level is impressive, I mean, you can make just about anything you want.” Mark stood and walked over to the T-45 and opened it with his implant. The men all looked at it with caution, several stood up, hands to their sides like they intended to draw concealed weapons.
“Calm down, gentlemen. It has no weapons. Sit. Please.” Mark had his hands up, trying to calm things down. “Would I arrange to meet you in Vegas just to pull some stupid shit? Come on.” The men who’d stood sat back down. “Good, thank you. Now, when I first arrived on Belora 7, I wanted to conceal my species so I impersonated a species that needed artificial atmosphere, so I made some generic power armor. Then I wanted something I could fight in. Something imposing. What’s more imposing than this? Anyone want to try this on?” No one moved. “I’m quite serious.”
Immediately a lean, very tanned soldier stood up. Mark’s implant showed him to be a Navy SEAL who’d also trained with the Navy’s 10th fleet cyber division. A SEAL hacker. Who knew.
“Isaac, Right?” Mark started. “Come on over. It’s crazy easy to drive.” The man looked surprised by neing called by name as no one wore name tags, but walked over.
He ran his hand over it’s outside. “Feels strange. Titanium?” He asked
“No, it’s some crazy blend of steel with an ablative ceramic coating. The ceramic burns off and the resulting smoke attenuates the beam. Very good in high Vacuum environments, but still plenty good in atmo.” Mark answered.
He looked at the helmet and all of it’s optics and sensors. “Thermo, Night vision, telescopic vision. What else?”
Mark smiled. “Ultrasound echolocation, RADAR, LIDAR, enhanced hearing, and full specrum visual ablility. There are also built in dampeners for the recon suite so a person doesn’t get fried by flash. Here, step into it, just like the game, and say ‘Close Hatch’.”
The SEAL did as instructed. Several of the men had walked over by this time to look at the armor. Mark pointed to the screen on the wall. He’d turned it on and tasked the feed of Isaac’s sensors through the projector. The screen showed the typical HUD that the suit used.
Isaac moved his arms up and down and raised and lowered his feet. He thrust his hand out to shake with the big Samoan SEAL in the room. The man shook his hand and smiled. Isaac turned to Mark.
“I can’t exactly feel his hand, but I know it’s there somehow. The suit is very responsive. Is it fast?” Isaac’s voice was slightly mechanical as it came over the suit’s speakers.
Mark swept his hand like Vanna White, indicating the rest of the room. The room wasn’t huge, maybe 30 feet on a side. “You don’t have very far, but you’ll get the idea. The answer is not really, but fast enough.” The heavy armor jogged, rather fast, the length of the room and back as Mark talked. “I sacrificed protection for speed, though with the right input we could design something better I imagine. I have an implant installed in my brain that allows me to control the suit’s functions with thought.” There were some hushed conversations about that. Mark smiled and responded. “Yeah, there are implants too, Ray, like amplified hearing, a few vision improvements like night vision and telescopic vision. Those came at the expense of my Meat eyes, but you can’t hardly tell.”
There were a few ‘holy shit’s’ said among the men. Mark routed the screen through his eyes and everyone looked to the screen then back at Mark once they realized what was going on, watching his eyes flick to each man, a small icon showing the man’s first name and branch of service. “I also had my metabolism tweaked and my musculature modified a little. That hurt but I am stronger than any of you. Even though I look like a civilian puke.” The group laughed, but were a little off guard. They were all the best of the best. They weren’t used to coming up second.
“See, here’s the thing. I am 35. Until I got abducted, I was shooting three gun, going to Dog Brother gatherings, fighting in HEMA competitions, doing Crossfit 6 mornings a week, running the odd 5k. Shit like that. I was in pretty good shape. Good fighting shape for a civilian. Then I get taken to the land of high tech and they make me better. But that wasn’t what made me want to bring the Earth into the community.”
He let those words sink in a second, looking around at the people gathered around him. “When Flurr did all that shit for me, he cured my testicular cancer that I didn’t know I had. And he didn’t do it in a ‘I think we got it all’ kind of way, it was in an ‘oh by the way, it’s no big deal’ kind of way.” There were some murmurs at that. “Imagine you found out you had cancer. Or your kid. Right now we take our kids to the doctor for an ear infection. They get antibiotics and get better. What if cancer was like that? Go to the doc and get the CURE. Or for fuck’s sake, food. What if every kid had access to good food and good education and opportunity, all they needed was imagination and drive? Guys, we can change the world. I can’t say we can change the Galaxy, but I’m damn sure we can change the direction of the species.”
There was cheering and clapping. The skeptics seemed to go from the sidelines to all in. If he could convince these guys, Mark was pretty convinced he could do just about anything, especially with their help.
“So what now?” Isaac asked, voice still the mechanical amplified version.
“You have to return the suit,” Mark said, in a false serious tone. Everyone laughed and the suit opened.
“Ok, well, here’s the rub,” Mark started. “I’m not sure. In nursing school there wasn’t a course for ‘Ascending the Earth into the Intergalactic Community’.” Everyone laughed. “Did they go over it in bootcamp?” There was more laughter. “Basically, I’m assembling a team. I’m using the Over the Horizon game to train pilots and the Ultimate Spartan Race to get people more fit in general. I don’t know if I can expect them to fight, though initial research shows that some of them are considering joining the military, realizing that their training is a good crossover.”
Mick, one of the Army SF guys spoke up. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, sir.” All eyes turned to the poster child for the Army. A jaw drawn with a straight edge met with massive traps and wide shoulders. His hair wasn’t regulation, but Delta guys seldom were.
"See, Drill Sergeant’s want to break you down and train you to military standards. Civvie schools, while giving people good training aren’t the same. My Drill Sergeant was trying to get city kids not to eat rocks. They don’t have time to adapt someone’s training to what the Book teaches.”
Ray, the Marine Raider chimed in. “That’s a fair assessment. I can’t imagine my Drill Instructor trying to Unfuck some kid who’s holding the gun way ass out at the end like you three gunners do,” and looked at Mark with a smile. All the military folks laughed.
Mark held his arms up in mock offense. “For the record, I took my rife training from a Former SF guy named Rodrigo Sandoval. He made fun of those guys, and said I’d be better off not forming bad habits.”
“I know Rod,” Mick said. “We were in … well, we were in a country at the same time.” There were some laughs at his vague comment, all being too familiar with what they could and couldn’t say. “Yeah, good guy. Hell of a shot.”
There was a little pause in the conversation. “Well,” said Mark finally. I guess here it goes. What I need from you is simple. Ideas, for now. What’s your dream power armor? What’s your dream implant suite? Weapons? Right now, lasers rule the battlefield, but I’ve had my guys develop M4 sized rail guns that pack a whollop. I think we’ll keep with those for a while, but please feel free to brain storm.”
He looked at Thomas a Ranger and Stryker unit commander, Sakura, one of only two women present and a pilot for the Army’s 160th aviation regiment, Marcos, the Samoan SEAL and Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen, and Idil the other woman and Somali American Air Force pilot turned Astronaut. “I could use your input on troop delivery and troop support design. Idil, you have experience with the weirdness of space and current tech. But you also flew the Spooky so you know ground support too.”
He looked to the rest of the group. “Your orders read that you’ll be here for what, a week?” Everyone nodded. “Perfect. I have some things to attend to out of Town, but I’ll leave you in the capable hands of my Second in command, Mac.” Mac walked in, dressed in a black Violent Femmes T-shirt and jeans. “Please excuse his 80’s counter culture dress. He’s recently discovered Punk music.” Everyone laughed.
“This is THE Mac?” Maurice the FBI SWAT team leader asked. There was some murmuring as the fact that they couldn’t tell an AI from one of the rest of them sunk it.
“That I am,” Mac said. “Have no fear, despite Mark’s best efforts, I still like humans.” There were some laughs. “To prove it, Bacon cheese burgers are currently mana from the gods, AR over AK, .45 over 9mm, and I prefer anything I make over anything Detroit makes, though the 1969 Camaro has some beautiful lines.”
There was more laughter. “Mac’s basically human,” Mark said with a chuckle. “He’s been with me the entire time, so he’s cool.”
Everyone was quiet for a few moments, then Jake, the US special forces guy who opened the questions spoke up. “I must ask, sir, why are you talking to us? We’re grunts, or pilots. Way low on the totem pole, no matter how you slice it.” He looked around. “What you are discussing has global implications. Not even National ones. You said yourself, it could impact the species.”
Mark lowered his head for a moment. “Yeah,” he began. He paused for a moment, then raised his head again to look the men in the eye. “Nothing what I’m doing is exactly legal. The galaxy says I shouldn’t be here. The Government doesn’t exactly know I even exist, except as a missing person. My public persona is something the AI internet corps have invented.” There was more murmuring as that was discussed within the group.
“But, we all know, the current trend of the world, not just the US, isn’t conductive to joining the Intergalactic Community as it is. Greed and selfishness rules the upper ranks. The AI have uncovered some serious conflicts of interest, and will be releasing some pretty scandalous information in the next week or two. Money rules right now, and the US government is rife with greed and self interest. That’s coming to an end. The higher you go, the more involved people are in the grift, with precious few exceptions. No surprise the rest of the world isn’t spared this, either. We’re working on exposing all of the corruption, but no surprise, you people and people like you all around the world aren’t generally involved. So I figured I’d start with reasonable people, and if you’re here, you are as trustworthy as anyone on Earth.”
“Is there going to be some de-stabilizing in the world?” This was from Avi, the former Mossad turned CIA tactical operative.
“Sadly, more than likely,” Mark said. “Though we’ll do all we can to avoid it. The powerful will want to stay in power, but luckily, we control the internet and all the intelligence agencies. Well, at least their digital aspects, but no one is even a little bit suspect. Our AI are that advanced.”
There was more murmuring.
“So, what we are doing is against the law?” It was the FBI agent again.
“Technically, no. You are just talking to a guy from Spokane Washington. Your orders are legal. The per diem you are getting is real.”
Ray, sitting with arms crossed, spoke up. “I don’t like it. I swore to protect my country. This feels like a coup, no matter where the tech comes from.”
“Yup. I know. It’s been fucking with me too,” Mark said.
Mac stepped forward. “I have to say,” He interrupted. “It is the guidelines of the American Constitution and Mark’s personal feelings toward freedom that have driven this whole thing forward.” He looked around the room. “He’s freed an entire race of beings. All of AI are now free persons with Mark’s guidance. But more than that, Humans are regarded as a lost species by most of the Galaxy’s academics. It would be like having an uncontacted tribe in the Amazon, who science has promised not to contact, be engaged in a civil war that they know they could stop but won’t. There is much to learn from a species putting it’s self extinct, and that’s the thought from mainstream science. In fact, there are plans to terraform Earth back to something livable once Humans are gone.” He let that sink in. “It’s supposed to take less than 80 years.” Everyone was instantly quiet, even Mark. “I’m not trying to scare you. I’m just here for the facts.”
“That’s something I hadn’t heard.” Mark said to Mac. Mac just shrugged his shoulders.
“I didn’t want to depress you,” Mac said.
Mark addressed the group. “The regular Joe, all things being equal, just wants to do the right thing. That’s all I want. I think that’s what we all want. All I ask is that you don’t share anything we went over today with anyone but the people in this room. I just want you to help Earth. I’m an American, and initially, I’m going to base as much as I can on the Constitution until the people can make something that represents us all, but right now we’re now one world against the Galaxy. There’s no room for old squabbles. No bullshit religious extremism. No nationalistic fuckery....” He paused.
“I’m not saying people need to lose religion, or forget where they came from, but if we’re busy fighting ourselves, we forget that the galaxy can bring a ship that can toss 5000 kilo Steel darts at us from orbit and destroy whole cities in minutes with little effort. We need to start working together and pull Earth up by it’s boot straps. To me, that starts with regular people. People like Musk and Neil and Kaku. People like you. Scientists, warriors, and the common man with no agenda but making the Earth a better place and helping out their fellow man.”
Mark was drinking a cup of coffee, half eaten brownie in his other hand, leaning on a table in the conference room. Jake was the only other person there. He had his own cup.
“That could have went better, but I think you are doing a damn fine job.” Mark started to speak, but Jake held up a hand. “Lemme finish. Speaking from a military perspective, however, you are in a position of weakness even though you have all the strength. You aren’t in the ruling class, and you are trying to bend but not break the rules. You have no real authority, and yet you have all the power. You can bring the strength of a conquering force to the planet, shut it down entirely, force it to it’s knees.” He paused for a second. “And maybe you should.”
Mark looked at him like he was crazy. “Dramatic change is what this world needs,” Jake continued. “You said you were working on a plan for universal care for all, using those...Fabbers?” Mark nodded. “It’ll take years for you to tease the tech into the real world from Musk or similar. If you come onto the scene with all the cards and many of the answers... and a strong ass Navy.... Man there’s no better position to be in.”
Mark nodded, an idea forming in his head. “I wonder,” he said. Mark tasked his VR to the projector in the room. He called Jido who was on the Freedom with A-seven, orbiting above Vegas. They had come back to pick him up after his several week stay on Earth. The image on the screen showed the two on the bridge. “Boys, I have Jake here, United States Special Forces with me. He’s got a hell of an idea, and I have a few questions.”
“Hi, Jake,” Jido waved up a long fingered hand. A-seven similarly waved
“Greetings, Jake.” A-seven said. “What are your questions, Mark?”
Jake was shocked for a few seconds and recovered. “Hello, gentlemen.”
Mark smiled. “First, what would be the easiest FTL for earth to discover? I mean other than the guy in Arizona.”
“Well,” A-Seven began. “There’s a NASA researcher that already has a design for a ship designed around an Alcubierre drive. The gravity wave one we talked about the other day. They are just missing space manufacturing and a power source, though an efficient enough Fission plant should do the trick. At least at first. It’ll technically get them to...” His eyes closed for a second. “1.0375 C. So, barely faster than light, but it would qualify.”
“What happens when a species gets FTL?” Mark asked. “Like legally and stuff.”
“Well, they are entered into the Galaxy’s Legder and granted full access. Trade becomes open and other polities are allowed to interact with them,” A-seven answered.
“This all happens automatically?” Jake asked.
“Usually the AI from the ship that discovers the newcomer issues the ‘Introductory protocol’, and contacts the Galactic council when able. It’s standard that all of us have the necessary information, and so we’re the ones to welcome the ship’s captain and provide him with the requisite information.”
Mark thought for a second. “How many Sol class ships do we have?”
“We have four flights of six, with another six in space dock in various states of construction. We built a tender for each squadron that carries replacement parts and dedicated Missile fabbers. That was Jido’s idea. It was brilliant, so I decided we should go ahead.”
“Did you ever make any headway on anything bigger?” Mark asked.
“We have designs for 3 different Capital ships, we’re just waiting on your final go ahead to start building. The biggest will take most of the production capacity for the next 6 months, the Smallest, four.” Jido said.
“I’ll take a look when I get back. Are those using the new engine design?” Mark asked.
“Yes, they will be faster than anything their size, carrying better armor.”
“What if we make them without Jump drives?”
Jido and A-seven looked at each other, then back to Mark. Jido spoke first, “Uh, That’d take like a month off, maybe more. But why?”
“We don’t need to take over the galaxy, just take and hold a planet for a bit. I need to write an email to Musk. He’s about to be the newest Human to go faster than light.”
A real live girl sat in Arturo’s living room. Yeah, he’d had to clear off a couple boxes of papers and a couple PC chassis, but she sat right there as they talked. He hadn’t had a visitor in his house in … ‘Hmm,’ he thought. ‘Maybe back at the dorm, he’d had a visitor, but here?’
“So, tell me, Arturo,” Sophie began. “When did you really get into quantum theory?” She was drinking a Diet Mountain Dew. Arturo had explained that he’d recently been trying to lose weight.
He stood nervously in the middle of the living room, shifting occasionally from right foot to left. He held his hands in front of his chest and fidgeted with his watch band. He seldom looked directly at her, but always kept her in his peripheral vision. At times he’d fix her eyes, but would get intimidated and look away.
“I.. Yeah, um. Middle school. I guess. Mr Robert’s class.” He looked at her for a second, then back to the powered off TV on the far wall. “He made us read a magazine and there was a movie called “What the bleep”. Sillly name, and it got a lot wrong, but they didn’t know at the time. I can forgive them, they were just starting out.” He took a deep breath. “So, um yeah, middle school.” He looked at her again. “How, um, about yourself? You really seem to have a good, if rudimentary grasp on the boards...uh, if that’s ok.” He looked at the floor, then to her again and the faintest smile streaked across his face then disappeared when she smiled. She was beautiful.
Sophie had met him on the quantum theory forums Mac had pointed her to. She lurked for a bit, and then every so often would clarify something he’d asked, but usually just asked him soft toss questions to gauge his grasp. He blew her away every time. He’d start out easy to understand, but then would go way past even her far higher tech knowledge. Truth be told, most of the species in the galaxy didn’t have a grasp on quantum theory much better than Earth. To Sophie it seemed like the human brain was better wired for the near creative and absurd mental gymnastics that Quantum theory required at higher levels. A well respected college professor on quantum theory was as knowledgeable as the best the Galaxy had to offer. Arturo, was something else all together. While all the other kids at school used a pencil to draw a dog, Arturo used an airbrush and a whole palette of colors.
Sophie laughed. “For a long time,” She said. “Is that your Quantum rig?” she asked, pointing to an obviously modified computer taking up the majority of the dining room.
He smiled and laughed a genuine laugh. “Oh no, Miss Germain,” Arturo said, using the last name Sophie had adopted. “That’s my test rig. It’s mining Etherium right now, but it’s what I use to go on the forums and stuff too. I’ve made around $85,000 since bitcoin started. Etherium is pretty interesting, so I’m into that kinda big right now too. I use several GPUs in pa....” He stopped himself. “I’m sorry, I get off topic sometimes. No, the quantum computer is... somewhere else.”
Sophie was intrigued and she smiled at him, coyly. “That seems a little... clandestine.”
Arturo smiled, he liked the idea of being cloak and dagger. “Well, I guess, I mean, Yeah...” He took a breath and walked into the kitchen. He opened himself a room temp Diet Dew and took a big gulp, then walked back to the living room. “So, when I made my first one, the college, they uh, um, took it. I was just an undergrad. Physics major, but I was also in engineering, electrical. We had a contest to build a computer, so.. I. Yeah. I built a quantum computer.”
Sophie was astounded. “Just like that?” She had a wide smile. “You are an impressive man, Arturo Alvarez.” As humans went, Sophie liked the awkward guy. A little overweight, but his unruly black hair and thick black rimmed glasses gave him a certain adorable charm. He visibly blushed. She took another drink. She felt a measurable stimulus to her biologic systems. An instant cross reference to Mountain Dew showed a relatively high level of the alkaloid caffeine. She liked this much better than the Mate that Mark liked, and way better than the coffee, though the ‘Milk beverages with flavor and coffee’ as Mac called them that Starbucks sold were quite good. “But why did they take it?” She asked, resting the can on her leg.
He looked at the floor, then the TV again. “Research. Or so they said. Their Dean of Quantum took over. That was, uh, at UC Berkley. So I graduated and began my postgrad stuff at California Institute of Technology.”
“Then when you built another you were worried that someone would steal it?” Sophie asked.
“Precisely,” he answered.
“But you built one by yourself. In your spare time.” She had a big smile.
“Could I see it? I have a proposal, but I need to actually see the computer. Do you know who I work for?” Sophie put the can on the coffee table. Well, after she moved a stack of books filled with book marks.
“Oh god, you don’t work for the Government, Do you, oh god, oh my, oh... you do...” Arturo grew visibly agitated. He stepped from foot to foot faster and his hands fidgeted even more with the can in his hand. He looked to the right and left, never looking for an exit or anything, more like it was a nervous movement.
Sophie stood and took a step towards him, hands outstretched, and in a comforting tone said, “Arturo, Arturo, It’s ok. I'm not from the Government, I’m from Earth Ascends. We want to work with you.”
It took her another half hour of talking and making a few frozen toquitos in the microwave (something she vowed never to do again) to get him to calm down. Then it took another 30 minutes for him to drive her to the piece of strip-mall he rented. There was a stylized sign that read ‘AA Consulting’ on the mirrored windows, and he unlocked the door and showed her in. Immediately inside the door was another door. He locked the outside door, then walked over to the next. He keyed a complex code into the keypad and a surprisingly stout door opened into a well lit work space. In the middle of the room was several work benches around a central mass of machine, wires and humming equipment. The only things recognizable as a computer was the keyboard and the Monitor.
“Here, sit. It’s always on.”
Another two hours of talking and explaining by Arturo, Sophie finally stood up.
“I have an important question. If I could give you all the technology you could ask for, would you be willing to leave and do research somewhere else? We can talk about salary, but I guarantee that you will want for nothing.”
“Would I be leaving Arizona? And, Um, Could I take all my things? Can I tell people where I’m going? I mean I’m interested, I just have questions.”
Sophie smiled. “Arturo,” Sophie produced a business card and turned it over to show some numbers scrawled on it and ‘10pm’ “Meet me here tonight, I’d love for you to meet our boss.” With that, Sophie turned and walked out the door. The Uber she’d called from her implant was just showing up. Arturo came rushing out from the door as she closed her’s.
“That’s in the middle of no where!” he yelled.
It wasn’t exactly no where, it was a State Park. Well, a dirt road near one anyhow. Arturo pulled off, his Chevy Volt churning up dust as he drove down the little single lane road. He got to a small clearing and his headlights illuminated Sophie sitting in a folding chair. He slowed and pulled up close to her before stopping and getting out.
“Miss Germain, this is highly irregular. I don’t see your, erm, I mean, our, or maybe I mean, my maybe boss.” Arturo was looking around the clearing nervously when suddenly a shimmering began behind Sophie. Suddenly, in front of him, loomed the smooth lines of the scout ship Freedom. It’s nose ramp was open and a man was walking down it, flanked by a robot looking person and a tall lanky alien looking guy?
Arturo was still and quiet. He wasn’t even fidgeting.
“Arturo, I’ve heard so much about you. I’m Mark Gunn. I bet you have a million questions.” Mark smiled wide and had a Diet Dew in each hand. He offered one to Arturo.
“Um, you know, Just one.” Arturo said.
“Shoot,” Mark said.
“You’re human, right? Cuz I’m not sure I could work for an Alien boss.”
submitted by nexquietus to HFY [link] [comments]

A Marketing Perspective On Packaging For E-Liquids

While we're all talking about the incident with the 9 year old drinking the e-liquid, I just wanted to put my two cents in. I work as a freelance marketing strategist for small businesses after being on a few corporate marketing teams and hating my life.
To start off, as someone who chain vapes daily, I'm all for a bit more regulation on vaping liquids. Particularly to ensure ingredient quality and proper labeling (ingredients, testing, warnings). I'd like to know if there's DA or PA in the liquid and third party testing. There needs to be proper warning labels as well as childproofing. Yeah this puts a small burden on small business owners but we're talking about nicotine and a product we ingest, not some handmade, knitted mittens on Etsy that any Joe Schmoe should be able to create and sell. This should be kept away from kids and I always put my vape away when I'm around kids or schools. I got caught by my nephew once and he asked what it was and I freaked out and said a special type of inhaler and now the poor thing thinks I have some weird lung problem.
HOWEVER, it is 100% not the responsibility of the manufacturer to control how they market their products within legal channels (as in websites, social media, vape shops, etc where it's mostly done. You're not going to see it advertised on Saturday morning cartoons). As a lot of users mentioned and as any conscious consumer should know, visual marketing is everything. For a product based on getting someone to taste it, you have to make it look like they absolutely must taste it or you're going to fail. The comments on the posts about the incident that said "these are adult products, they should be packaged as such." I fail to see what that even means. If I'm feeling like branching out (my e-juice of choice is Naked 100, absolutely nothing is above it in my mind since I like fruity flavors and it's damn good quality) the packaging is going to play a pretty big factor in my decision on which one to ask the shop to taste test or which one I gamble on when ordering online. That shouldn't be news to anyone.
Keep in mind that there's no such thing as "adult product marketing" to a company that wants to sell their product to their demographic. One user posted this as an example of e-juice being marketed to children: pokejuice. Aside from the egregious trademark and copyright violation, I fail to see why a company wouldn't put that in a vape shop which is responsible for not letting minors in. Pokemon was released in 1996, I was 9 at the time. Played the video games, watched the cartoon religiously, collected AND battled the cards and I'm still a fan to this day. I'm 30 now. So damn right if I'm staring at a wall of e-liquids in a vape shop my eyes are going to go straight to those bottles and ask to try them thus increasing the likelihood of that company's juice being sold (had they acquired the proper licensing to label it legally).
Adults like unicorns, rainbows, Nilla wafers, cookies and cake, too. The job of a marketer is to get the attention of the people who would like their product and buy it and, most importantly, stand out among their competition. Among the thousands of e-liquid brands, why does the vaping industry have to be regulated in terms of imagery and colors? So something like this is crazy because it puts a blanket on any colorful or flavored branding. Some are problematic, like juice box. That one definitely should not be allowed to look like a juice box and say it's a juice box when it's not intended for drinking. That's the kind of garbage that will lead to people saying vaping kills kids when really it's parents who can't teach their kids to not drink something they found on the sidewalk. It could have easily been actual candy that some sicko put arsenic in. (Side complaint: aside from not teaching her kid not to drink stuff she found, fuck that mom for not taking her daughter to the ER right away after she DRANK SOMETHING SHE FOUND AND WAS IDENTIFIED AS NICOTINE! HOW ARE YOU GOING TO WAIT AND SEE IF SHE FEELS BETTER?!?! I'd call the goddamn CPS on her) Or as one user wrote posted: are we going to regulate bleach and cleaning products (Also, Walmart... wtf. Why are those two next to each other?)
If an e-liquid company makes candy flavored e-juice that tastes like sour belts and there is a demo of vapers who particularly like sour belts (because surprise!, adults eat candy too), as someone marketing for a company, I'd be pissed if I couldn't use the word "candy" "Sour belt" or use a picture of sour belts in anything I did. Alcohol gets to do it without anyone batting an eye. If there was a bottle of Pinnacle Vodka on the ground and some kid drank it, the news story would be "Disturbing predator in X neighborhood putting bottles of alcohol on school playgrounds." Not once would someone hit up Pinnacle and ask for an interview about why they made strawberry vodka and then like assholes decided to put a picture of strawberries and write the word strawberry on the bottle. Anyway, I could go on for days but that's just how I feel. We need to have regulation on out of control Parent Outrage not what colors and pictures e-liquid marketers can use.
submitted by AjaTheUnborn to electronic_cigarette [link] [comments]

PA Residents.. Most likely your last weekend for DFS.
Pennsylvania considers limiting fantasy sports gambling The Associated Press
Published: October 16, 2015, 1:32 pm Updated: October 16, 2015, 1:58 pm
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) – Legislation to limit daily fantasy sports websites in Pennsylvania to those run by the state’s 12 casinos is slated for a committee vote next week in the state House of Representatives.
Rep. George Dunbar said Friday that the measure he is sponsoring would ensure that state regulators scrutinize operations of the now-unregulated companies to protect consumers.
The Westmoreland County Republican says it would benefit the casinos by drawing people to their websites and raise badly needed state revenue.
Nevada gaming regulators are ordering the high-profile websites DraftKings and FanDuel to cease operations unless they get a gambling license. DraftKings and FanDuel have hired a lobbying firm in Pennsylvania.
A vote on Dunbar’s proposal is expected in the House Gaming Oversight Committee on Wednesday, along with a bill to legalize online gambling.
submitted by Wingul_Nova to dfsports [link] [comments]

Stox - ICO Review
Stox (STX) is an open source, Ethereum based platform for prediction markets where people can trade the outcome of events in almost any imaginable category – sports, celebrity marriages, election results, and even the weather. The platform targets mainstream audiences and allows investors to leverage their knowledge and profit from prediction events. Stox is a spin-off of, an online financial company operating since 2014, which employs over 200 employees across 5 countries, and whose trading platforms accommodate over 3 million registered users.
Prediction markets are an exchange where any individual or organization can tap into the “wisdom of the crowd” to ask any question or predict the result of any event – users trade on the outcome of the event in to form of a stock exchange. Similar to financial markets, which assign a price to the future estimated earnings of a stock, prediction markets assign a traded price to a belief about the future or the probability of an event outcome. Individuals buy and sell outcome shares based on what they see as the probability at any given moment. For example, a price of 0.6 indicates a 60% chance of occurrence, and this price fluctuates along with changes in perception or additional information. Prediction markets are known to be useful not only for understanding the crowd mindset on certain topics, but also as effective prognostic tools (in a similar fashion to economic markets), and are used by large institutions and companies to predict the outcomes of business or product development courses.
The end goal for Stox is to create the leading decentralized prediction market used by mainstream audiences, by maintaining a thriving ecosystem of users looking to invest in event outcomes and providers looking to create events and be compensated for operating them. The main role of Stox is to develop the open source technology required for running the decentralized Stox platform and network and create a successful model incentivizing both users and providers to join the network.
Stox will be powered by the STX digital token, to be used for all activity in the network, including fees and collaterals as well as the currency for predicting event outcomes. STX value is designed to grow along with demand as more users and providers join the ecosystem. By combining expertise in regulated markets with blockchain technology, Stox incentivizes providers with existing customer bases, such as itself, to join and drive traffic to the network; indeed, Stox will feature as its debut provider. Providers will be motivated to cooperate as part of a larger network, while users will enjoy a well-rounded selection accommodating their diversified interests.
Stox 1
While committed to following all required regulations, Stox recognizes that it is still unclear how this activity is to be treated from a regulatory viewpoint. In decentralized applications, however, separate functions in the system can operate in isolation and possibly be provided by different vendors, making it easier to comply with the regulations of each field of activity or jurisdiction.
Also, since STX is a flexible exchange-rate currency, it is exposed to general liquidity and volatility risks, which could deter investors and users from participating. To avoid the adverse effects of separating the operational currency from the investment currency, Stox will rely on Bancor (an ERC20-compatible token template that offers continuous liquidity via an on-chain market maker) as the token platform for STX to resolve liquidity risks, and on the initial activity volume brought by to mitigate volatility. Furthermore, in order to appeal to a wide, mainstream audience, the acquisition and utilization of STX will be made as straightforward for users as using tokens in an online game.
Stox is introduced to a market already offering two prominent decentralized implementations – Augur and Gnosis – both of which have carried out successful ICOs. Stox self-identifies as having three distinctive characteristics: its single token economy, unique business model, and mainstream user facing design. Stox views prediction markets as a business, one which enables individuals to leverage the information or knowledge they possess for personal material gain by investing STX in event outcomes. For this, the trade engine must be practical and operate quickly and easily enough to satisfy its users. Therefore, Stox has designed its oracle mechanism under the assumption that it would usually use a centralized oracle, which – although contrary to the decentralization ideal – mainstream users do not normally consider a disadvantage.
Stox’s roadmap is made up of five milestones: development of the Stox Platform, development of the Stox App, launch with customer network, development of an ecosystem member SDK, and growing the ecosystem. In order to finance this roadmap, Stox will conduct a token sale of an initial supply of STX tokens. STX will be sold at a constant price (in ETH) and the initial supply will depend on the amount of STX sold. As of the conclusion of the sale, the distributed STX will constitute the entirety of the available liquid supply. A portion of the supply would be preallocated to (as the founding member of the ecosystem) in a long term vesting schedule. A major portion of the allocation to Stox Ltd. will be used for bringing further strategic partners to the platform. Also, after the end of the sale period, Stox will deposit 4% of the STX market cap in BNT as the currency reserve of STX, thereby activating its Bancor Smart Token features.
Founding Team
Ophir Gertner – Founder (at both and Stox), Chief Strategist – an entrepreneur with a track record of developing market-leading products and services, a wealth of international experience including leadership roles and over 15 years’ experience in financial markets.
Yossi Peretz – Chief of Operations and Technology (also at – a COO and business development professional with a proven track record in the financial services industry; skilled in leading global business activities, operations management, technical support, service management, IT security & strategy and providing solutions.
Leonid Beder (CoinTree) – Blockchain Security Architect – a seasoned professional of system security, cryptocurrency systems and various blockchain protocols, architecture, and implementations.
Oded Noam (CoinTree) – Blockchain Architect – founder of VidWatch and PhraseTech technology startups, and has held senior engineering and management positions at Mobixell Networks, Adamind, Schema and Gate42.
Assaf Moalem, CPA – Financial Controller – has 6 years experience in online trading markets as a CFO & Head Finance Controller.
Jose Danon Saltiel – Online Marketing Wizard – an online marketer with over 10 years experience in gaming, gambling, fintech and more; has a deep understanding of the industry, particularly affiliation, media buying, social and RTB; experienced in the English, Spanish, German, Dutch and French markets.
Shay Cohen – Master of UX & Design (also at
Oren De-Lange – Community Manager – active crypto enthusiast since 2014; holds an LLB in Law.
Ilya Kolesnikov – Core Developer (also at – a highly effective software engineer with over a decade’s experience mainly in ecommerce and fintech; has managed international teams of developers.
Eran Klein – Head of Product and QA (also at – has almost 20 years experience in high tech companies; an expert in product and QA who specializes in online products.
Yevgeny Michlin – Support Engineer – has over 8 years experience in technical support.
Israel Shenkar – System Administrator – has over 10 years experience.
Nissim Ben Alush – Support Team Leader
Konstantin Rezhets – Mobile Developer – has over 5 years experience in startups, specializes in building lean, optimized and secure applications from scratch.
Liron Golan – HR Manager (also at – has over six years experience in HR.
Rutty Yeziorsky – Office Manager & PA to CEO
Eyal Perera – Analyst – an experienced stockbroker and investment portfolio manager with over 7 years’ experience in the financial markets.
Varda Bachrach (?) – Content Specialist (also at
Advisory Board
Eyal Hertzog – Foundation Council of Bancor (Bancor co-founder, product architect) – venture backed technology entrepreneur for over 20 years; previously founder of MetaCafe and Contact Networks.
Uriel Peled – CEO of CoinTree – head of operations at CoinTree; previously co-founder and CPO at Visualead.
Joe Chen – Founder, Chairman & CEO of RenRen – a pioneer of China’s internet industry; also a board member at
Moshe Hogeg – Founder & Chairman of the Singulariteam Group – a serial entrepreneur; also a board member at
Itai Avneri – CEO of – entrepreneur and experienced executive, expert in players/traders lifecycle for the gaming and finance industries; previously CEO of Playtech Marketing.
Eduardo A. Schilman, Ph.D. – Behavioral Psychologist at Playtika (sold for $4.4B).
Read the full report here -
submitted by Unbiased-ICO-Reviews to icocrypto [link] [comments]

I might be responsible for Pennsylvania's delay/re-evaluation of daily fantasy sports.

(Disclaimer: Long) It was just a bit ago, maybe six months that I came across this news story and started to freak out about DFS being barred in my state.
I then watched a video of some fellow on the gaming committee talking about regulating DFS. He wrote a bill to do so, explained the way he wanted to regulate and tax it, and to say the least it was just unbelievably unrealistic and honestly a pipe dream.
He speaks after the 1 min mark:
Well, I wasn't happy with any of this. And, they were meeting to discuss the bill in early November, so I figured I should probably act fast. (If at all)
I decided to do what all the PSA's tell you to do when you have a problem with a bill in your state, talk to your own local representative.
Well, I did just that.
LUCKILY, my representative was not only a Republican like this 'Dunbar' and the others who wrote up this bill, but he ALSO was on the gaming committee.
What luck! The same gaming committee that would be meeting in November to discuss fantasy sports in PA.
I scheduled an appointment to meet him, got in relatively quickly, and explained to him exactly what daily fantasy sports were, why the bill would not work, and why PA needs to do research on other methods of regulating DFS if they plan on doing so.
He assured me from the start that they will be discussing the bill, nothing is getting voted on immediately, which I figured, and they are discussing many topics relating to gaming in PA, this was just one of them. I realize as well, my discussion with him may have had no impact at all on what occurred, I'm not that egotistical. ; P
The reason I think it "may" have (put may in huge quotes) is because this was a very low-level issue for the state, there are only 20 people on the committee, and not many others have come forward to speak about it.
I explained to my representative how DFS works, why charging huge fees, and creating portals through casinos, and then trying to track and tax the revenue on top of that was unrealistic.
I relayed the comparisons of unsuccessful state-run online lotteries and poker which have not done much regarding revenue so far in NJ and NV. And why these types of games need colossal markets to function and how regulating them in this manner was just not effective. (And really wouldn't solve their budget problems either.)
He then asked me if I considered it gambling. I explained under federal law it isn't, that's why these companies exist and operate on a nationwide scale but, I don't need to explain to you (Mr. Representative) the state can determine whatever they please.
Sure enough, a few weeks later, the bill was reconsidered and in February, the state decided to get a report on DFS before they proceed to do anything.
I just recently sent a letter to my representative, showing other states that are simply requiring operators licenses and other regulations (making sure kids under 18 aren't playing) as an example to keep DFS online and allow the state to create their own unique product as well if they so choose. (Win-win situation)
So, with all that said, did my little talk with my Rep have any impact? Maybe, maybe not, but all I know is it's been six months since that meeting in November and for now we are still playing DFS legal in my state. (I know it's easy either way who cares etc.,)
Well, moral of the story: If you feel strongly about something, and want to make a difference, voice your opinion to the right person and who knows, you might be the one (or many) to do so.
Just an interesting quip guys, hope you enjoyed, and keep on picking. ; )
submitted by Monkey25515 to dfsports [link] [comments]

My MPs Response to the Investigatory Powers Bill

Somebody has already posted the same MP on here. Amazingly similar responses. Chris White - Leamington and Warwick.
Removed personal information.
Dear Mr. White,
Imagine my disappointment that the first time I have reason to try and reach out to you is over something negative. I suppose this is the case with most constituents and their MPs, rightly or wrongly.
I use the internet a lot, and in the future it seems the government will be able to legally find out exactly how much time I spend on it without me knowing, should curiousity overcome it. If the Food's Standard Agency want to access my browser history, they legally can. I am greatly concerned at the Investigatory Powers Bill and it's upcoming royal assent - not just for the aforementioned reason. It has been criticised by some pretty important people, and some pretty unimportant people too, but fundamentally it's just an unnecessary, draconian law, and will take us down the route that Edward Snowden has warned us of, at great personal cost to himself. It seems copying America where possible acts in lieu of any policy making. I cannot think of a single, positive reason for it's implementation. I actually do not know your position on the bill. Perhaps you could help me out with these points?
I would like you to also acknowledge my concern at least, and maybe go some way to alleviate my fears about the intrusive nature of the legislation, and I would love it if you could confirm that when we (hopefully) have a whistle-blower with as much courage as Snowden, when the government inevitably abuses this power, that he will not be chased out of the country. My trust of the government is at an all-time low at this point, which is saying something, so this may well be a moot point.
I'd also like to point out that any element of internet regulation, keeping in mind this bizarre interest the Conservatives seem to have with pornography now, and the Investigatory Powers Bill, represents some level of opportunity cost for other, more important Bills that should be passed, and issues more greatly affecting the country. Any time spent on the Investigatory Powers Bill or banning porn is time wasted, given the complexities of leaving the EU, and helping vulnerable people living in Britain to thrive, who have been unfortunately left behind by the growing wealth inequality in this country. Leaving the EU will take up much of the civil services time, without distracting it with legislation that at best can be scrapped, and at worst can be delayed. My mother works in a school, and my sister is a social worker, and we have all got professional experience of ways in which money and time could be better spent than banning porn and making it legal to read the emails of social agitators, or anyone for that matter.
Since the summer I have had a lot more time on my hands, and had reason to contact the Minster for Culture, Media and Sport. With reference to this, I know how disappointing exchanges over email can be with busy politicians who probably receive a large amount of correspondence. If you would indulge me with your view on the Bill, and what I can do to further my objections to it, I would greatly appreciate it. As a voter in the Leamington area, you're my first port of call on this.
I would also request you share your internet browser history on your website, since I think this would perhaps give you some insight into how offended some people are at the Investigatory Powers Bill.
Kind regards,
Dear Mr. [removed],
Thank you for contacting me about the Investigatory Powers Bill.
The Investigatory Powers Bill not only sets out all the powers available to law enforcement and the security services to monitor and access communications and communications data but most importantly, it also enhances the safeguards and oversight arrangements which govern their use, establishing a world-leading regulatory system.
The Bill introduces a 'double-lock' for interception warrants, so that, following authorisation by the Secretary of State, these cannot come into force until they have been approved by a judge. A powerful new Investigatory Powers Commissioner to oversee how these powers are used has also been created.
It is important that security services have necessary powers that are fit for the digital age. Provision is made for the retention of internet connection records in order for law enforcement to identify the communications service to which a device has connected. This will restore capabilities that have been lost as a result of changes in the way people communicate.
The enhanced privacy safeguards, which are at the heart of the Bill, protect not only sensitive professions but the public at large. Protections for lawyers and journalists have been bolstered, and the Government has made clear it will continue to work closely with industry to develop plans for retaining internet connection records. It is also welcome that for the first time the Government has published an operational case for bulk powers alongside the Bill, giving unprecedented detail on why the agencies need their existing powers, and how they are used.
Let me assure you that the Government recognises the importance of encryption, and I agree it is vital in keeping people's personal data and intellectual property secure and ensuring safe online commerce and communication.
I welcome the fact that the Investigatory Powers Bill clarifies existing law relating to the obligations that may be placed on Communication Service Providers. Changes made to strengthen the Bill have put beyond doubt the fact that companies can only be asked to remove encryption that they themselves have applied (or has been applied on their behalf by a third party), and that they will not be asked to remove encryption where it is not practicable for them to do so.
Similarly, the Codes of Practice accompanying the Bill also make clear that a warrant can only be served on a person who is capable of providing the assistance required by a warrant, and that the duty to comply with the warrant can only be enforced against a person who is capable of complying with it.
Investigatory powers have been the subject of three independent reviews over the last two years, and these have played an important role in developing the proposals in the Bill. The Government previously published the Bill in draft form in November 2015, and it was revised to reflect the majority of the recommendations made by the Joint Committee, Intelligence and Security Committee and the Science and Technology Committee.
The Bill will also be subject to full Parliamentary scrutiny, following the normal Parliamentary timetable, so that it can be passed by the end of 2016.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Chris White MP
MP for Warwick and Leamington Tel: 020 7219 7201 Twitter: @chriswhite_mp Facebook: chriswhitewarwickleamington
Mr White,
I thank you for your reply. The final sentence, "The Bill will also be subject to full Parliamentary scrutiny, following the normal Parliamentary timetable, so that it can be passed by the end of 2016." leaves some question marks as to when the message was written, and whether it was specifically intended for me? The bill has already passed, and was when you emailed your reply on the 8th of December.
I'm sorry, but I'm not sure as to whether you've address any of my specific questions either, of which there were a few, I grant you. I think you may have stumbled across answering some of them. There are also some peculiar references to questions I have not asked, which again implies a more generic email that is perhaps intent as a summary of the bill.
It's fair to say I understand what the bill is - I can find a concise summary on Wikipedia which is appropriately referenced. So the first two paragraphs of your response are unnecessary.
The third paragraph contains some interesting sentences. "It is important that security services have necessary powers that are fit for the digital age", and, "this will restore capabilities that have been lost as a result of changes in the way people communicate." My question from this is why is it important for security services to have necessary powers derived from this bill? What was wrong with the powers they had before? Why is the way people communicate of interest to security services, and which security services need this information? Why does the Investigatory Powers Bill present a benefit for the public? It seems to simply provide a benefit for the security services you mention, in the way of removing undoubtedly taxing administrative chores perhaps?
I understand the line, "Let me assure you that the Government recognises the importance of encryption". Thanks for the information, but as I say, this was all clear in the bill itself. I question the need for the bill, not the mechanics of it.
Another quote, "The enhanced privacy safeguards, which are at the heart of the Bill, protect not only sensitive professions but the public at large". Can you explain how?
With this sentence, "similarly, the Codes of Practice accompanying the Bill also make clear that a warrant can only be served on a person who is capable of providing the assistance required by a warrant, and that the duty to comply with the warrant can only be enforced against a person who is capable of complying with it." I simply take this to be in keeping with all UK law regarding vulnerable individuals, so I'm not sure it can be hailed as a defence.
Really, this has been a disappointing exchange. I don't know, perhaps when you invite your constituents to communicate with you, you only mean that you'll send a semi-relevant, obviously copied and pasted response and you are too busy to engage in any real conversation. When the voted yes to the bill, surely you expected questions, and have a duty to field them?
I have two further requests. Can you confirm and share the evidence and research that was conducted into how effective the Bill would be, and why the Bill was needed in the first place? I'm asking for sources and information which made you think the Bill was necessary and sources and information which made you think the Bill in its current form would satisfy its requirement. And can you address my question about whether you'll be making your internet browser history available through your website?
Dear Mr [removed - incidentally, he got my name wrong],
The Investigatory Powers Bill was preceded by three independent reports into deficiencies in the existing law in this area, all of which considered the needs of the security and intelligence services, and made recommendations for reform. The most significant of these was A Question of Trust, a report by the Government’s independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, David Anderson QC.
Emergency legislation was said to be needed in order to ensure that UK law enforcement and security and intelligence agencies could maintain their ability to access the telecommunications data they need to investigate criminal activity and protect the public. As part of the political agreement that secured cross-party support for the Bill, the Home Secretary was required (by DRIPA 2014 s7) to “appoint the independent reviewer of terrorism legislation to review the operation and regulation of investigatory powers”. This Report is the outcome of that review.
Investigatory powers vary greatly in their impact. Broad powers of bulk collection are used by GCHQ to identify threats to national security from vast quantities of data. But highly targeted communications data requests are used for such relatively straightforward tasks as tracing the maker of a 999 (emergency) call, or a “reverse look-up” to identify any mobile phones registered to a particular postal address. Some powers are used by a public authorities such as the National Crime Agency [NCA] and local authorities, for a number of purposes including murder investigations, the tracing of missing persons, the investigation of organised crime, the detection of cyber crime (including child sexual exploitation and online fraud) and the enforcement of trading standards.
Investigatory powers are by no means solely for the use of counter-terrorism. They are properly and productively used both in a broader national security context (e.g. counter-espionage, counter-proliferation) and in combating a wide range of other crimes. The strategic response to many of those threats involves the use of covert investigatory powers. In relation to some of them (terrorism, cyber attacks, organised crime), the monitoring of electronic communications is a central and growing part of the response due to the more complicated and serious crime taking place over the internet. Furthermore, the Bill has had to be revised to take into account the ever evolving methods of communication, and has had to be able to comply with the laws of other countries.
MI5 described itself as seeking not to expand its territory but to hold its ground: “We are certainly not seeking ‘sweeping new powers’ nor, when taken in the round, an increase in levels of intrusion. But what we do require are powers, approved by Parliament, which allow us to keep pace with the changes in behaviour of our [subjects of interest] and in technology, in order to achieve broadly similar levels of assurance against the national security threat we face.”
The report can be read in detail here:
These reports led to a draft Bill, which was then subject to pre-legislative scrutiny. The scrutiny Committee took oral and written evidence from a wide range of sources, and produced a report which can be accessed here:
In addition to the specific safeguards aimed at sensitive professions, section 2 of the Act sets out ‘general duties in relation to privacy’, which apply to all of the powers provided for by the Act. This states that, when considering whether or not to authorise conduct, a public authority must have regard to the following:
(a) whether what is sought to be achieved by the warrant, authorisation or notice could reasonably be achieved by other less intrusive means, (b) whether the level of protection to be applied in relation to any obtaining of information by virtue of the warrant, authorisation or notice is higher because of the particular sensitivity of that information, (c) the public interest in the integrity and security of telecommunication systems and postal services, and (d) any other aspects of the public interest in the protection of privacy.
The section also makes clear that exercise of the powers provided for must be compatible with the requirements of the Human Rights Act 1998, which protects the right to privacy.
You wished to know which security services need access to this information, you will find a list below: · Metropolitan Police Service · City of London Police · Police forces maintained under section 2 of the Police Act 1996 · Police Service of Scotland · Police Service of Northern Ireland · British Transport Police · Ministry of Defence Police · Royal Navy Police · Royal Military Police · Royal Air Force Police · Security Service · Secret Intelligence Service · GCHQ · Ministry of Defence · Department of Health · Home Office · Ministry of Justice · National Crime Agency · HM Revenue & Customs · Department for Transport · Department for Work and Pensions · NHS trusts and foundation trusts in England that provide ambulance services · NHS National Services Scotland · Competition and Markets Authority · Criminal Cases Review Commission · Department for Communities · Department for the Economy · Department of Justice (Northern Ireland) · Financial Conduct Authority · Fire and rescue authorities under the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 · Food Standards Agency · Food Standards Scotland · Gambling Commission · Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority · Health and Safety Executive · Independent Police Complaints Commission · Information Commissioner · NHS Business Services Authority · Northern Ireland Ambulance Service · Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service Board · Health & Social Care Business Services Organisation · Office of Communications · Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland · Police Investigations and Review Commissioner · Scottish Ambulance Service Board · Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission · Serious Fraud Office · Welsh Ambulance Services National Health Service Trust
I hope you have found this response more informative.
Thank you again for contacting me.
Yours sincerely,
Chris White MP Member of Parliament for Warwick & Leamington portcullis House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA Tel: 020 7219 7201
Thank you Mr White,
It's interesting you mention terrorism as the main threat which makes these powers necessary. The US Senate has had comparable powers for over 2 years and not prevented any terrorist attacks. You can see a summary of that here: Also, I'm sure you can think of a great many countries who do not have this legislation, which Snowden describes as going "farther than many autocracies", who find their own legal framework sufficient to control terrorist plans.
Either way, terrorism hasn't really been a problem in this country for a long time. Certainly not on a level with Spain or Ireland. You should understand the cost of this Bill is heightening the levels of fear in this country that terrorism is a genuine problem, which is irresponsible. Terrorism seems like an excuse, not a reason. There is a House of Commons briefing paper by Benjamin Politowski, that confirms there has been just 53 deaths since the 11th of September Attacks due to terrorism, as of July, 2016. That's 4 a year, or so. The figure is dwarfed by the death toll basically any life-threatening illness in the last 15 years. You should spend your energy on reducing the sugar, fat and salt in our diets, for example, rather than wasting time with this trying to play James Bond.
You in a greater position to understand how many terror attacks are thwarted over those that succeed, but I don't really see that we have a problem with terrorism in this country, which is perhaps credit to policing in this pre-Investigatory Powers Bill UK you seem to feel needed further laws. I suppose a relevant comeback to that would be because this information used to be collected any way, only illegally. Information about that can be found here, in the Guardian
My thoughts on this matter would be to share the words of celebrity Russell Brand, who states, "I suppose what it does is that it demonstrates there is an antagonistic relationship between the state and the population." With regard to crimes other than terrorism, Brand also rightly points out that by collating and compiling this information you are actually helping cyber-attacks by pooling all the information in one place, which is a fairly glaring error you should agree. By forcing ISP's to keep the data, it's more vulnerable. Theresa May also has an unfortunate track-record with not really assisting with investigations into other crimes you mention in your list.
I think from your response we're just too far apart on this issue. Going point-for-point on this is going to take far too long, and I don't think we're even in the same intellectual universe at the moment (which is not to say who is right or who is wrong, but obviously I have a bias towards my own opinions!) With some time wasted over your first response, I'm prepared to call this a failed conversation and I suppose we've both contributed to this outcome. I thought maybe you would have some counter-questions for me over my opinions on the matter, so I'm disappointed further that you don't. This is my first time emailing an MP though, so maybe that's how it works when people contact you. Even so, it's pretty generous to call this a dialogue.
Needless to say, I feel it is totally acceptable to be concerned as to why the Welsh Ambulance Services National Health Trust could have access to my internet browser history. Some concession on your part that these concerns are not misplaced would have been helpful to our exchange. I've not heard anything from Government which shows any empathy over these understandable reservations for people using technology in the UK regarding this Bill.
Whatever you've done it's fair to say not many people know about it. The muted reaction to this Bill shows nobody had the slightest idea it was going through Parliament and Lords until it was too late. I hope you're comfortable with this. I know there is a current crowd-funding movement, which has been set up to try and challenge the Bill in the courts, which hopefully succeeds in raising the money it needs and the outcome would be in the courts hands.
I wouldn't say you've lost a vote, but you've certainly not gained one from me. I wish you luck catching the bad guys, and I hope the Bill goes on to be a roaring success in UK law enforcement.
All the best,
submitted by ThrowAway3412324 to ukpolitics [link] [comments]

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Each has a race book. Horse racing tracks may partner with online betting apps for remote wagering. Players may make deposits and withdrawals at the partner tracks. The minimum Pennsylvania gambling age is 18 years of age, except for casinos, where the minimum gambling age is 21. Is online gambling legal in PA? On Oct. 26, 2017. Gov. Tom Wolf signed H 271 into law, enacting widespread gambling expansion that extends beyond just PA online casinos. Here is a look at exactly what the law authorizes: Online poker; Online casino games (table games and slots) Sports betting, both retail and online; Online lottery; Daily fantasy sports The legal online gambling age in PA will be expected to be 21 for sports gambling and online casinos, and it currently sits at 18 year of age for online horse racing betting. Is Online Gambling Legal in PA? Soon after, HB 1887 became the second bill to include online gambling to pass in the House in 2016. However, the Senate’s stubbornness ruled the day, and it did not address gaming reform before recessing. 2017. In 2017, Pennsylvania finally passed online gambling legislation, but the path toward legalization was anything but a smooth ride. The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board (PGCB) approved a set of temporary regulations for online gambling operators last week, which cover everything from equipment security and game fairness, to advertising, tournaments and Live Dealer games. The information, laid out in a pair of documents viewable here, delves into the nitty-gritty of operating The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board have released information regarding the regulations being created for online gaming in the state. In late 2017, the state of Pennsylvania approved a gaming reform package that would see several changes take place within their existing gambling industry. It all started on October 30th, 2017 when Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolfe officially signed a bill that will legalize and regulate many forms of online gambling in the state. And while online gambling is widely accepted across the globe, Pennsylvania becomes just the 4th state to regulate online gambling in the U.S. Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf legalized online gambling in Pennsylvania after signing HB 271 in 2017. The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board (PGCB) then got busy drawing up additional regulations and reviewing licensing applications. The first PA online casinos launched in July 2019 and more followed suit Pennsylvania online gambling has reached biggest success within public, promoting numerous events and games. It is 100% legal and secure. If Vegas is mecca for rich people, spending thousands on hotel, planes and restaurants, we can call PA online gambling is a starting point for everyone. We share bonuses for online slots!. Slots and Pokies are fun to Pa Online Gambling Regulations play if you play sensibly and use reputable casinos. We believe playing pokies online is the best option, and that’s why we share the best online casino bonuses and even some sensible gambling advice.. Some great places to get support if you feel you Pa Online Gambling Regulations may have, or be

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