Georgia Poker Laws - Is Online Poker Legal in Georgia?

is online poker illegal in georgia

is online poker illegal in georgia - win

Anyone from Atlanta, GA?

I'm from north western Georgia, and I've been grinding online poker for a couple of years now with some success. I would love to play live, and I found out that there is apparently a poker scene in Atlanta I never knew about.
  1. Any info about where to play would be great.
  2. How is this legal? I thought poker all throughout GA was illegal.
Thanks in advance!
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[Table] IAmA high school student who's dad works for Saudi Aramco, one of (if not the) richest companies in the world. I have lived in an employee compound in Saudi Arabia almost all my life. AMAA

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Date: 2013-04-25
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Questions Answers
Do you drive around in a gold lambo that runs on diamonds? Hahahaha!
With that joke aside, what is high school like for you? I imagine you must be a pretty popular fellow. Well, high school is average. I'm just of average popularity, I guess. I'm guessing that you assumed I was popular due to me being "rich". Well, compared to the other students here, I'm one of the poor ones, hahaha. Saudis are really rich, dude.
I'd like to point out that only a fraction of Saudis are rich, just like the US. The majority of Saudis live in near poverty, but the fact that the upper echelon of multi-multi-millionaires are THAT rich offset the world's image of the population. Interesting to know.
I wouldn't know anything about this topic. I'm only ever exposed to the upper echelon that you've mentioned.
Being "rich" in school made me universally hated. They decided I was rich because mum's car was nice. Cue the choruses of "rich bitch" every time I got dropped off. Kids are mean. Damn, that sucks :L.
Yeah, but my family's financial success meant that I was lucky in other ways. Kids are mean, but most don't have a developed sense of empathy yet. I understand why they teased me, and I can forgive it. Whoa, that really sucks...I wouldn't even know what that's like, I'm really sorry.
Is it surrounded by a wall or other means to keep you in and others out? What kind of security is there? We have a wall/fence thing. It's kinda hard to describe, but it's very hard to climb over. We also have gates that you have to drive through to get into, and if your car isn't marked with an Aramco sticker, you have to show your ID to get in. I don't know anything about military bases, hahaha.
How do you know or perceive that life at the compound is different than life outside the compound? For one thing, people are richer outside, or if not richer, then they are just more extravagant. Another is that we have many more utilities than them, such as sports avenues, theaters, pools, etc.
What does the compound look like - is it lavish or plain? Can you post a picture? Think typical American suburban environment. That's pretty much it. Here's an aerial view.
Is it easy for you to leave if you choose? Why would/wouldn't/can't you? Getting out is super easy. Getting in is the challenge, hahaha. You NEED your ID, or else they won't let you in. For visitors, it's a process of getting them signed in by someone who lives inside. But we are allowed to leave whenever we want to.
What are your plans/ambitions for yourself beyond high school (or for the others who are answering, if you have given it much thought)? Get a bachelor's in Computer Science and design video games for a living :)
American suburb indeed. When I read "compound" I imagined something more rigid and less inviting. Thanks again, and good luck with your future! Thank you for your questions :)
Lol it literally looks like you'd live in my suburb, totally different than what I was imagining. Yeah, I find it pretty awesome how they've completely recreated an American suburb :)
Do you have any more pictures. Looks so interesting! Here's a street view.
What does Saudi Aarmco do? Saudi Aramco is an oil company. It is state sponsored and makes A LOT of money for the country.
What makes an "employee compound" different from any other rich-kid accomidations? Is it fenced off? Self-sustaining? Patrolled by sexy kill-bots? Well, a number of things makes it different. Firstly, our houses are smaller. Nobody is expected to (or allowed to, even) to live here for the rest of their life, so they don't bother making the houses super amazing. The kids who go to my school and live outside the compounds, i.e. the Saudi kids, usually live in huge mansions. Our houses look like the average, American suburban house. Our compound is indeed fenced off with a lot of security. It's pretty hard to get in without an ID (which I would know having forgotten my ID inside before leaving, hahaha). No sexy kill-bots, though, sadly.
Given the level of affluence you're surrounded by, what do you see as being the best/worst uses of money that your peers and/or their parents have engaged in? Hm...I'd have to think about that.
I guess the worst is a family friend getting a new iPhone for getting a C on a test. Yeah...
Can't think of a best right now, hahaha.
Interesting. Thanks for the response! You're welcome, thanks for the questions!
Makes a lot of money for the ruling elite maybe... saying it makes a lot of money for the country seems like a stretch. I meant that it makes a lot of money for the actual government.
I guess the worst is a family friend getting a new iPhone for getting a C on a test. I teach adult ESL and about 50% of my students are upper class Saudi. It is sad to say but many of the Saudi men show some of the worst work/study ethic I have ever seen. I hope that my experience is abnormal but I have to ask: is this common? It's not very common, though. I don't think so.
What's a single iPhone to your wealth? That's gotta be like... nothing at all! They're just like any other phones. I was pretty surprised to learn that in other places, people make a distinction between smartphones and phones. Here, it's just "phones" (smartphones) and "bad phones" (phones).
I heard gas is super cheap there. How much is it per gallon? It is mindblowingly cheap.
It's about .45 riyals per liter. That's the equivalent of about 45 cents per gallon.
How many Saudi girls have you banged? Hahahahaha!
I don't hang out with any Saudi girls.
Haha I lived in Dhahran for 15 years (in high school now). I know probably less than 15 Saudi teenagers :P. Awesome! PM me who you are, maybe I know you!
Are you still here or have you left us?
What nationality are most of the people you hang out with? Are there any Americans at the compound? If so, a very small percentage or significant amount? Hm...
There are definitely lots of Americans here. I hang out with people of a few different nationalities...mostly either South Asian, Arab, or Asian, though. Most of the American people my age left for boarding school instead of staying here for high school.
I was about to PM you! No, I'm grade 12 in Winnipeg. I see, then you're in my brother's grade. I still probably know you, hahaha.
Can you have alcohol in the compound? No, we can not.
Some people smuggle it in and/or make it themselves, but I have no experience with that.
How do Saudi laws apply inside the compound? Do women have to go out with a male relative / dress a certain way, etc? Yes, most Saudi laws do still apply, such as laws on pork or alcohol.
However, women are allowed to drive inside the compound and don't have to dress in any specific way, as long as they aren't nude or dressed in overly revealing clothes. They don't have to be accompanied by male relatives inside the camp.
Hold on they put a dress code now in camps ? When i used to live there the beaches used to have sun bathers. Well, I wouldn't call it a dress code...I just don't think that they'd allow nudity. On the beaches in Ras Tanura, you'd be allowed to wear a bikini, I guess.
They probably wouldn't allow bikinis for just walking around the camp, though, even if they don't have any rules against it, technically. You'd probably just be stopped and told to go change.
There's a law against pork? I mean, I know it's not halal, but I didn't know it was illegal. Is the law pig-specific, or does it cover all non-halal food? I'm not completely sure, but I'm fairly certain that all foods must be halal here, and that the law isn't pig-specific.
Yeah i used to be in ras tanura, after '94 a huge amount of the westerners left never went back to being the same, i remember growing up and having easter hunts and all sorts of cool stuff but it just turned more and more conservative after that. I see...
When did you leave?
What do you for entertainment? Well, we have a private theater here, libraries, restaurants, bowling alleys, several other sports avenues, etc.
As for me, I tend to just use the internet a whole bunch and go out with friends on weekends. Also practice guitar and sketching a bit.
It's pretty boring here, though, not gonna lie. Wouldn't trade it for living in the states though, there are a bunch of perks too!
Do you ever go into the cities? Yeah, we go into the cities a bunch to go to the malls and buy stuff that isn't available in campus (which is pretty much everything except groceries).
What are some of the perks? I've outlined some of the perks in this question, as well as a few others, hope those answer your question.
Why wouldn't you trade it for living in the states (Note: I'm not saying YEA MURICA or America is better or any of that stuff, I'm just curious) I just like the unique perspective that it's (sort of) given me. It's not like everyone that I will meet in college will be able to say that they were raised in Saudi Arabia of all places!
EDIT: It appears that you are American and I misinterpreted your statement. My bad. Plus, Aramco has a ton of perks that I've discussed in other answers.
Rashid mall i presume ? Khobar does have amazing food places. Yes, that's one of them! Dhahran Mall is another :)
Depends. If you go to University of Texas at Austin there will be chingas of people who lived in Saudi. Mostly the children of oil company workers. Yeah, I know what you mean, but I still like it.
Do you guys do stuff like motorbiking? The compound I was on (air force ex-pats), everyone just fucked around on motorbikes because it was only a 5 min ride to some decent spots. Also, their incomes allowed for expensive hobbies. There are a bunch of bikers in the compound. I am not one of them, though.
Is this the compound that sends Little League teams to Williamsport basically every year? A friend of mine was on that team a few years back, hahaha.
How many times have you pulled the "DO YOU KNOW WHO MY FATHER IS!!!??" card? LOL!
Never, I'm not Malfoy :)
What do people you talk to think about the Iraq & Afghan wars? How are they taught in school? People here are mostly of an American liberal standpoint when it comes to this matter, that view being "take the troops out".
Schools don't usually cover the Iraq/Afghan wars until high school, and by that point, most people already have their own opinions on it.
What's the coolest, most expensive thing you've seen? Are the super rich kids pretty generous? Just the mansions that the people live in are pretty awesome.
The rich kids can be pretty generous. I was once 5 riyals short for a taxi ride and I asked a friend for some money and he just tossed me a 50 because he didn't have change, hahaha. (conversion rate: 1 USD to 3.752 SA Riyals for reference)
Generous in your world, nothing to them though ... Sorry, had to rain on your parade! (I used to know super rich kids too.) Yeah, hahahaha. I can't even imagine that though! I've heard stories about some smashing their iPhones whenever the new ones come out. You know, as opposed to selling it or giving it as a present to somebody?
Are the magazines in Saudi Arabia censored? Do they censor photographs? Yeah, most of them are. They usually just do it with a sharpie over the undesirable images, though.
What kind of things get censored? Anything aside from nudity? Well, in TV, references to alcohol or sex usually get censored.
IS your internet censored? Yes, it is.
Porn, drug/alcohol, violence, etc. are all blocked.
Are /insertporn/nsfw/gw/trees blocked? The SFW porn network is not blocked.
trees, /gonewild, and /nsfw/ are all blocked.
Is there a lot of law enforcement roaming the streets? Yes, there is. Those who are dependents of employees (read: wives or children of employees) have a curfew of 10 PM. It's no big deal if you get caught outside later than that, though.
I don't mind all the security, though. It makes me feel safer.
Spouses have a curfew? I might be mistaken on that part, but the kids definitely have curfews.
So you get rich Saudis and super rich Saudis; how many are poor? Do any work menial jobs, homeless, hungry. What % are super rich, rich, and poor? I don't know what the percentages are. I could get it from googling, but then it wouldn't be coming from my experience as an Aramcon!
I'm actually just too lazy to find out.
Seriously though, the menial laborers on the compound and at my school work for contractors who hire mostly Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Indians, Philipinos, and a few other nationalities. There are a few homeless that I've seen while out of the compound, but for the most part, people seem to be as well off as in the states. I have zero statistics to back this up, and they could possibly be much worse or much better off than Americans.
Sorry for being unable to answer your question.
The cia world factbook notes that 80% of the labor force are foreign nationals. Yeah, I wouldn't doubt that.
What is your family's net worth? What is your family's net worth?
Have you ever had a situation where the amount of security for the facility was justified? Have you ever had a situation where the amount of security for the facility was justified?
Do you intend to work for SA once you're out of school, why or why not? Do you intend to work for SA once you're out of school, why or why not?
Besides, living here is nice and all, but I don't want to stay here for the rest of my life! Have you decided where you want to go? Or will you just go wherever the best job offer is? I'm an American citizen, so I'll definitely go to university there, but I want to live somewhere new to me, like Europe or Australia. I've never been to either of those places (although I hope to visit Europe soon).
I'm an American citizen. Hahahaha, look at my reply to that question again :P.
Oh! I guess I'm just surprised because I saw in another comment that you were related to the Saudi king. Were you born in the US? Is the rest of your family also American and just relocated for the job? I'd explain it here, but that would ruin the surprise!
What sports are high school kids into? Is there a skatepark there? Soccer and basketball are big ones. To a lesser degree, tennis and cricket also. I've heard there's also an American football association here? Not too sure, though.
There is actually a skatepark, but I don't think it's been used so much since the 90s/early 2000s.
I'm a Saudi living with an average income family. I'm pretty sure in Jeddah we say the same thing about the people who live in compounds and probably even richer than most us average Saudi's. Though, I'm currently in the US studying because I got a Sponsorship from SABIC( you probably heard of it). I haven't experienced anything like getting away with speeding tickets or other offenses, hahaha. But then again, everyone here speeds, don't they? ;)
For my question, Does the government treat you like royals? people believe that you can get away with a lot of things like speeding tickets. I have a feeling that, yes, we would be treated a bit better, though.
I considered moving to Saudi Arabia to teach English because they pay the most of any country, but how the fuck do you go without girls/booze/gambling (I play online poker) for a year? Seriously what would I do for fun there? You could always go to Bahrain! There, you get at least 2 of those three (you might not get gambling, not too sure, though). That's what some of the teachers here do, just go to Bahrain on the weekends and get drunk, hahahaha.
Other than that, not much, I guess. But you'll have plenty of travel opportunities if you do come here, I'm assuming!
Is it true what the other responses have said - that there is a way to get to girls and booze? Don't you get into a shitton of trouble if they catch you doing that? Yes, it is possible.
If it's just you and your girlfriend/boyfriend/hookup at a house in the compound, it wouldn't be that big of a deal.
Booze would probably get you deported or something, though. Your family could stay but you'd be forced to go to boarding school or something.
Do you try to befriend the richest kids, because it might help you later in life (ex. networking to get a great job later on, owning a castle, getting offered a first class ticket to the moon)? Your username...blasphemy!
Hahaha, anyways, nah, I just befriend those that aren't douchebags. Some of the rich kids happen to not be douchebags, so I befriend them, but not as networking, I understand that I won't get anything from them in later life, because I'll probably never see them after graduation :)
Isn't every kid at our high-school rich? Yeah, but there's a spectrum.
There's the SUPER rich ones (that I won't name on a public forum) and then there's just the average rich, which would be us.
The stories we hear in the US make is sound like Saudi Arabia is a very fundamentaly conservative culture. Capitol punishment for a number of things you would only see hard time for here in the US. The new king is a bit more liberal. Women were recently granted permission to ride bikes and practice law!
With the wealth do you see a lot of people struggle with what would appear to be a temptation to go nuts with extravagance? Are the weathiest proctected from these punishments? Power and money corrupt the hell out of us here, just wondering if the amount of money makes it worse there. People here are definitely extravagant, but they can afford it. I don't know about how protected the wealthy are from the government. I haven't seen any situation where any rich friend of mine has needed protection.
This might sound weird but is it hard dating when your rich? Like are dates expected to be really extravagant since you're rich? Not too sure how to answer this, hahaha.
Pretty much everyone here is rich, so it's not that weird...I guess. It's just like dating anywhere else, I would assume.
When you say rich... how rich? i.e., what's your family's gross yearly income in $USD? I don't want to disclose that.
Ever see the movie "The Kingdom"... If so does that scenario cross your mind/concern you? Is its depiction of American compounds in Saudi Arabia accurate? I haven't seen that movie, but I have heard of it! I'll try to watch it soon.
"They have swimming pools, baseball fields, soccer fields, bowling alleys, you name it (even a golf course). And they have green trees." Well, it's not like, as another question asked, we drive golden lambos that run on diamonds.
What are these odd facilities that I have never heard of before? That stuff is everywhere. Life here is pretty average.
Are you old enough to drive? Yeah, I am, but I don't do it often, I don't really like cars much.
If not what do your parents drive? My parents own a Camry and a Previa. They never really cared much for upgrading, hahaha.
, what is the coolest car you've seen? Pretty sure we have a Ferrari on the compound. I don't know shit about cars, though, so yeah.
I've always wanted to visit Saudi Arabia since I heard about Medain Saleh.. it's now the only country in all of Asia that I haven't visited. I love most Middle Eastern countries and was just in Yemen a month ago. But getting a Saudi visa (even a transit visa) is next to impossible I hear. Do you drive around the girls schools and toss your phone number over the wall? Our school is co-ed, but I see the humor in your question :)
What's the food situation like? Are there any fast food joints on the compound you live at? Or a supermarket or something? There's a few Aramco fast food places, just known as the snack bars.
There are also two commissaries and a mini-mart. Other than that, we go out for food.
TIL not just military brats know the term "commissary". Yeah, I was kinda shocked to learn that not everyone calls their grocery stores "commissaries". That was how I grew up.
Where abouts in Saudia? I grew up in Jeddah and attended NCS, all I remember is old men making their own beer and the most beautiful beaches in the world. And my family wasn't rich at all. Dhahran, which is right next to Al-Khobar. These cities are on the east coast.
Crazy! I used to live in Dhahran too! Just 3 years, 1992 to 1995, I was 10 when my family left but I still have fond memories! Living in Calgary, Canada now. I miss the heat. If you cruise by 456 Hofuf Street, that's my old address. :) Do kids still drive golf carts everywhere? Damn, that's crazy! Hofuf is where I spent a lot of my childhood because that's where my best friend lived! I came here in 98, though, so I wouldn't have ever crossed paths with you :P.
I've only seen the golf kids use their golf carts, not just anyone.
I used to live in Al-Khobar. Do you remember lotus 3? Does Dhahran British Grammar School still exist? I don't know what lotus 3 is...but yes, DBGS is still existent, hahaha. Our school is on the same campus as them.
Its was one of the compounds before they merged, Are they still separated by the fence down the middle? Where you there for 9/11? Is the beach still there? Ah, I see. I don't remember it.
There are no fences dividing any sections of the compound that I'm aware of.
I was here in Saudi for 9/11, but too young to have any idea about what was going on at the time. There are several beaches here.
Do you know any openly lgbt individuals? I was just wondering how they got treated in a country like Saudi...and is it different from how they get treated in the compound? Yes, I do, actually. They were treated pretty well in the compound. People wouldn't generally say anything to them. However, they definitely didn't proclaim this fact about themselves outside the compound.
Did you happen to go to school in the state of Georgia at one point? I went to school with a bunch of guys who had parents working for Aramco and eventually came to Georgia to go to school.. No, I've been here in Saudi since I was 2, hahaha.
Are you on instagram and have you seen the popular profile "itslavishbitch"? I believe he is of the "upper echelon" you and others are speaking of, but he lives in SF. I am on Instagram, but I have not seen that account, hahaha. I have seen a large amount of rich Saudis posting on instagram, though, so I get what you mean!
Maybe you don't know because you're a high school student, but how big is the supposed "black market" for alcohol on the compound? I've heard a lot of expats make money by either smuggling liquor in or making booze in their homes. As I've said elsewhere in this thread, I have no experience with that stuff, I wouldn't know.
Also, what do you do for fun? For fun, I just hang out with friends and use the internet a whole bunch. We usually just chill at a house and watch movies, talk, eat out, go to the malls, etc.
All the "aramco kids" i knew in boarding school had serious drug problems, which started when they lived in compounds as teenagers. how common is it to use drugs in the compound? Hm...well, you see, most of the kids that go to boarding school are those that are susceptible to such things, you know what I mean? Like, the "cool" kids. It probably stems from their boredom on campus.
However, I wouldn't say that drug usage is very common.
As a kid who went to boarding school, I have to say that it's a common misconception that we're all delinquent's or have "issues." I had friends who did drugs or stole but they did it just as much as your average high school student. That's what I thought, about them doing it just as much as an average high school student.
Are you Aramcon or did you just meet Aramcons in boarding school?
I used to get Aramco World magazine as a kid. It had some of the coolest photography of any magazine. One month it just stopped coming. My family only ever gets the Aramco newsletter, so I wouldn't know, sorry!
Anyways, do they still make that magazine there and have you seen it? But I'm curious, did you go to the Aramco schools? If so, which year did you "graduate" from the middle school? My friends and I found a bunch of super old yearbooks last night and were looking through them, hahaha.
What type of history do you learn in school? We learn the same types of history that you guys do, ancient world, modern world, US history...
Are there drug problems where you live? There would be as many drug problems as in the states, I'd assume.
How much cash do you blow on an average week? I get 75 riyals a week for lunch, which is about $20. That doesn't sound like much, but money goes further here than in the states.
Can Christians go to church on the compound? Is there a reverend/priest on site...or even in the country? Yes, there's a "church" in here. It's actually just the middle school gymnasium, but that's where people go every Friday (because the weekends here aren't Sat, Sun, they are Thurs, Fri, so going on Sunday wouldn't be efficient).
Have you ever been? I'm interested if there is actually real freedom of worship or just an appearance of it. No, I'm Muslim.
My friends go though, and it's pretty much a church, not just a mask of a church.
As a fellow highschooler from the states its pretty cool reading your responses...but anyway, do you fluently speak Arabic? Is English the dominant language in your compound? English is the dominant language here in the compound. I have a rudimentary knowledge of Arabic, nothing that would help me survive in an Arab country, though.
So outside of your compound, are the locals bi-lingual or majority English speaking or Arabic speaking? Also, we should hang out sometime. Problem being I live in the middle of Illinois. They are bilingual for the most part, and those that aren't speak Arabic.
We should definitely hang out! I'll just get my gold plated private jet to fly over to Illinois.
I don't have a gold plated jet. It's only diamond studded.
Last updated: 2013-05-05 19:12 UTC
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is online poker illegal in georgia video

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Online Poker at State-Licensed operators is legal in Nevada but is less than popular with the State's few online poker rooms only combining to beat $1,000,000 in revenue on one occasion. Given that the Silver State has the highest concentration of B&M Casinos in the United States, it' s really no surprise residents would have little use for the online Poker Rooms. However, the Act does not legalize other types of online casino games or online poker. Live casino gambling, including live poker, is allowed on 10 riverboat casinos, and residents can on-track pari-mutuel bet at horse tracks as well as play the state lottery online. Daily fantasy sports are also allowed in IL. On the pro-online poker side, no legislation to legalize the activity was introduced. Opponents of online poker were more active, yet failed to match even the modest traction gained in 2015. In March, supporters of the Restoration of America’s Wire Act (RAWA) bill refocused away from RAWA and toward stopping illegal offshore online gambling. It is illegal to play poker online for money in the state of Washington. The state of Washington passed a law in 2006 making online poker a felony. Full Tilt Poker and PokerStars responded by no longer offering services to residents of that state, but they continued to operate in the rest of the country. In line with the state’s strict crackdown on forms of gambling, playing poker is considered illegal in Georgia. There is some flexibility here though, with some bars and locations offering the game to be played with no buy-in, which slips through the law as there is technically nothing ‘of value’ being wagered. The State of Georgia maintains that playing poker is illegal, and they make no exception for private games. In some states, if the host does not charge the players or rake the pot, then a private poker game is legal, but Georgia does not make that same distinction. The two major exceptions where playing online poker is an illegal activity are in the states of Washington (where playing is a felony) and Utah, (where it’s a class B misdemeanor). On the opposite side of the coin are three states that fully embraced the legality on online poker: Nevada, Delaware, and New Jersey. Is Online Poker Illegal In Georgia are predominantly based off the movie culture and industry, meaning players can connect to their gaming choices much more significantly. This could be why there Is Online Poker Illegal In Georgia is a high drive and push towards slot gaming. LEGAL US ONLINE GAMBLING GUIDE Gambling online is quickly becoming the way to place a bet. More Americans are turning to their mobile devices and laptops to play their favorite slots, poker games or bet on sports online. If you live, work, vacation in the US, you are probably much closer to a legal gambling […] The one avenue for regulated online poker in Georgia is if a majority of states adopt online poker under a federal regulatory regime. In that scenario, online poker would become something similar to the lottery – generally tolerated by the public and viewed as a financial boon by the states.

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